Reveal for the Honey Do List - February 2023

Each month at SJ Designs Jewelry, Sarajo shares a photo that her husband, Eric, has given her as inspiration for jewelry designs. They call it the Honey Do List, and it's a lot of fun to play along. This month, the photo is a trio of textural images. 

While all three call out to me, and I have another idea for the one on the top right; it's the large one on the left that really got my juices flowing. You see, I have a thing for crackle. 

So, I painted a piece of paper with a couple shades of green paint before pushing the color back a little with some walnut ink. Then, I spread a crackle paste over the green and gave it time to work its magic. I accented the cracks with a little more ink before cutting a circle out that would fit in a bezel.

A thin layer of UV resin was added to the top of the crackled paper and cured. Then, I sealed a rusty washer in the bezel with another layer of resin. Yes, I know this isn't a completed piece, but I can't wait to add it to a chain to this beauty of a pendant.

And, while I worked on the pendant, I remembered a couple pairs I had altered with crackle pastes a few weeks ago. They were quickly turned into earrings. 

Clear crackle was used over copies of old photos for this pair. I think the bead selection also echoes the aged feel of the charms.

More white crackle was used in these connectors. A bit of rust dust was sprinkled on top and sealed with resin. I had a hard time deciding what kind of beads would accent these best, but when the idea of crackled beads hit, I had to search my stash to find these because I knew they'd be perfect. 

I want to thank Sarajo and Eric for another fun challenge. And, I encourage you to join the Honey Do List and create something beautiful. Sarajo will have the linky tool on her blog open for several weeks so you can add your contribution(s) to the challenge for a while yet. Don't forget to check out the other artists who participate too. 


  1. So fun! I don't know about this crackle paste you used but I LOVE the effects you got! That pendant is spot on for the challenge... and that last pair of earrings is particularly swoon-worthy. Thanks for playing along with us. I always love seeing your creations.

    1. Crackle paste is a medium made by several brands (in several colors - I used white and clear for these three) and is an art product but can also sometimes be found with the scrapbook materials too. I adore what it does. It's one of my favorite art mediums. I'm tickled that you like what I made. As always, thank you to you and Eric both for the inspiration!!

  2. Those look great. Here is my entry.

    1. Thanks so much!! I'll definitely check yours out soon.

  3. You nailed it, Hope! I love the pendant, it's amazing!


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