February Challenges and Inspirations

I hope your January was as productive as mine was. February is shaping up to be a good one too. I pushed myself to put in a request for space in a local cooperative gallery when I saw that they were looking for new artists there. I almost didn't. But, a reminder about working on my Word of the Year came into my feed at the same time. My word is BRAVE. As I was considering approaching this gallery later in the year, I decided to step up to the plate and go for it. I've met with the owner, and she is interested in my jewelry and art. So, it sounds like my bravery is paying off already. While I wait to finalize all of that, I'm keeping busy with creating. 

One of the greatest motivators and inspirations for me is participating in a variety of challenges. Each month, I like to share a list of the ones I'm planning on working on as well as any others I've found. This is that list!

  • First, I have to mention my own #CraftyHopePrompts mixed media prompt challenge. This is something I created for myself to build up a prompt deck. Each Monday, I pull three prompts and alter a playing card with those prompts, adding them to the card to be used later. On Saturday, I create another project that uses those same prompts. If this sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to watch any of my CraftyHopePrompts videos. Or, just pick up with the most recent (Week 19) Mixed Media Prompt.
  • Another prompted mixed media challenge is Seek Gather Create. The hostesses call it a Mixed Media Scavenger Hunt Challenge because you need to seek out the materials to use. This challenge is also weekly, but only for a month. The list of four prompts will be released each Sunday. The first ones were just announced this past Sunday and they are Tissue Paper, Denim, Something folded, and Something rusty or rust-colored. I've already got a video of what I created with these prompts. I encourage you to follow the four hostesses on Instagram where they will be announcing the prompts each week. They are Lisa Goddard, Tina Hois, Laura Denison, and Melanie Theriault
  • If you're more interested in Jewelry challenges, there's the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge from Angela of Pirate Pretties Jewelry. This is a monthly challenge with some different parameters each month. First, know that each month, there are two colors for you to combine into your piece(s). This month, the colors are Kelly/True Green and White/Clear. In addition, you are to use silver or gold to create earrings and optionally include clovers or some other good luck charm. You can find more about this challenge in Angela's video. The reveal is set for the 15th and you can either share your creation(s) in a YouTube video using the hashtag #PiratePrettiesJewelryChallenge and/or a picture in the Pirate Pretties Facebook group
  • Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry has shared the February inspiration photo for her Honey Do List Challenge. This month, it's actually two textural photos from her husband, Eric. Sarajo will have a linky tool up on the 27th for you to share your creation. She leaves this open for several weeks in case you're running a bit behind (like I usually am!)
  • The 100-Day Project will begin on February 22nd. I've participated in this project for the last several years and really love how versatile, easy, and inspiring it can be. Really, just pick something creative you want to do for 100 days. You don't have to share it or end up with a completed project or anything like that. You can work on one thing for one minute or really however you want to roll with it. The point is really just to be creative for 100 days. I'm pretty sure I've got my project picked for this year, but need to settle on a hashtag. Also, since I've done it several times before, I thought I might even do a whole other post next week on benefits and ideas and other information about it. For now, please go check out the site and consider joining in the creative fun!

And, that's the list of what I plan to work on this month. Do you have any challenges or inspirations that are keeping you creative and moving forward right now? 

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