Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge - Feb 2023

 The Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge this year is a monthly "double-color" collaborative challenge from Angela of Pirate Pretties Jewelry. Each month, Angela assigns two colors for you to use to make a jewelry piece with a reveal date of the 15th. In addition, there is a choice of two metal types, a project type, and optional fun elements each month. This month, Angela asked us to use Kelly/true green AND Clear/white to make a pair of earrings using either silver or gold. We could also include clovers or another lucky charm. Here's what I created.

I actually wouldn't usually have clover charms in my stash but had recently taken apart an old bracelet that was in a bag of other old jewelry that someone gave me. I had even put the charms in with my assemblage elements rather than jewelry ones and had to go fish them out for this project. Ha! But, they worked out beautifully in these earrings. 

These are so simple but were a tad fiddly to put together the way I wanted. You see, I wanted to make sure they would hang nicely and not slide all over the place. I chose to go with the silver since it matched the charms. For the green, I found some pretty seed beads. And, I just used clear crystal rondelles on an eye pin to attach the hoops to the ear wires. 

If you're interested in watching how these came together, I do have a video.

And, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about this challenge or the earrings I made. Ask away!

1 comment:

  1. These are lovely! I love the fan effect of the seed beads and I totally understand that you wanted them to hang nicely, I always try on my makes to make sure they do :)


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