January Honey Do List Reveal

Almost every month, Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry shares a photo that her husband, Eric, has offered up as inspiration for her to design jewelry. She shares this with us and calls it the Honey Do List. I've made more jewelry than I even know using this inspiration from the two of them. Some months I struggle more than others, but this month, I kinda knew what I wanted to make as soon as I saw Eric's photo. 

As usual, it took me almost all month to get around to it, but these earrings were made pretty quickly.

In fact, I got started on them before I realized that they would make a great tutorial on YouTube. So, while they were already in progress, I popped on the camera and shared some of my thought process and how easy these are to create. 

While you don't quite get the optical-illusion-like sensation of looking up into the treetops, I think these earrings still come across quite well as tress. 

And, with the method I used to create them, I can see loads of options with other beads and color palettes. What do you think?

Big thanks go out to Eric and Sarajo for the inspiration this month. Make sure you head over to Sarajo's reveal so you can see what she made, click on the links to the other artists, and/or add your own creation from the inspiration. The linky tool will likely be open most of February so you have plenty of time!


  1. Colors, textures and shapes in one - what a spot-on interpretation!

  2. Those are really cool, Hope. I always love seeing your designs!

  3. I luv your whimsy design and color choice, thanks for the fun.

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Gloria. I really appreciate that.


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