What a day!

I began today with no plans of blogging because I knew it would be a busy one. But, now that some of today has wrapped up, I need to document it. Let's do this chronologically.

First, I woke knowing it was June 1st and the first day of Index-Card-a-Day (ICAD.) So, once I took care of most of my morning routine, I threw mixed media supplies at an index card, recorded it, and worked on getting the video up. Whew! (You should be able to click the below picture or its caption to go to the video.)
ICAD 2022 - Day 1

From there, I was off to see my Orthopedist. He released me from his care but advised me to get more exercise into my daily routine. And, he told me that today would be my last day at Physical Therapy (PT). So, when I headed up there after lunch, I had to let them know that it was the end. I've been seeing these therapists 2-3 times a week for several months now and have formed a bond of sorts. It's going to be weird not having those appointments break up my week. But, I do have to continue the stretching and exercises at home for a while. I feel like I've graduated from Ankle Repair Surgery or something. 

Just as I was leaving PT, my guest post video for Mixed Media Menagerie went live!! 
Mixed Media Menagerie June 2022

I applied earlier in the year to be a guest artist with these fabulous ladies and was honored to accept the June spot. (Again, you can click the picture or caption to watch the video.) I think they might still have some spots open if you want to apply too! Of course, you can always play along by using the tag #MMMJun22 on Instagram on YouTube. My video explains what the prompts are this month. 

And, now, I'm reveling in so many big things happening in one day. I hope tomorrow isn't a disappointment! Nah...there's another ICAD to do!

Tell me something good happening in your world. 


  1. Hi Hope! My husband, Walter, and I did our first Farmers market yesterday and we did very well! Saturday we are heading to Madison, Wisconsin for the Art Glass and Bead Show! On our way home on Sunday we are picking up four little kittens to foster. Lots of fun stuff!

  2. Oh, those do all sound like great things. How exciting! I would love to have a bunch of kittens around, but I don't think I could foster. It would be hard to give them up. Thank goodness for kind people like you who can do such a service!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...