Thrifty Thursday (September Thrifty Haul)

Between the storm and all the work after it, there wasn't much time to do much shopping in September. However, I did pick up a few thrifty bits while out for other errands. Here are a few of my favorites.

At the thrift store, I found these.

I lucked up on a small collection of these Fossil Watch tins. Initially, I only bought a few of them but ended up going back for the rest. 

I also found what looks like a vintage sheet (though it may not be) and several small lampshades for a steal.

Oh, and there were these two BIG bags of ribbon for practically nothing. 

Of course, I can't pass up deals at the Dollar Tree either.
I got these two shades of "creepy cloth" at the start of the month. I thought they might add some nice texture in my art journaling. Now, I just need to use them.

There were also several sets of these stickers that celebrate little accomplishments for adults. They totally tickle me!

And, I even bought some Halloween supplies that I used and transformed into something fun.
I saw a glimpse of this project online and knew I had to make a set of Fairy Skeletons. They were so very simple too!

I found several other steals as well, but you'll have to check out my September Thrifty Haul video to get a better look at them all. 

What about you? Found any good deals lately?


  1. If only I had that much ribbon... I literally keep every scrap of ribbon I have for my sewing projects but if I had that much...

    1. I was so surprised to find so much! I never see ribbon at the thrift store anymore. It looks as though a lot of it was from the clearance bin at Walmart. But, for my uses, that's fine. Here's hoping you luck up too!

  2. You had quite a month of treasure hunting! The tins are especially awesome and I wonder what your plans are for those.?? Some very pretty vintage type colors.

    1. Lynda, I'm so surprised at how much I found for only three trips out. Right now, the tins are actually holding my watercolor crayons and pencils - at least the bottoms are. The tops are off to the side to maybe get made into jewelry later, if I can bear to cut into them! ;) Thanks for popping in!

  3. The tins and the ribbons are really good finds! And so are the rest ones :) I'm sure they will inspire you for new projects.

  4. You always find the best tins. I can't wait to see what you create.

    1. Kathy, Ha! My luck with tins has been so-so lately. But, I really have more than I know what to do with right now. However, I just couldn't pass these up. They were too good of a deal. Now, to actually create something. . .


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