October Challenges & Inspiration

As much as I love a good challenge, getting to work on any of them last month was a huge fail for me because of the hurricane. I have to be honest, I'm coming to hate that excuse. But, I'm doing what I can to look ahead and get back on track. And, that includes possibly working on a challenge or two. So, here are the ones I've found.

  • Sarajo and Eric have issued another great challenge for the Honey Do List. Eric's picture is Halloween appropriate, and I already have an inkling of an idea. . . maybe. The reveal is set for October 26th, but Sarajo usually leaves the linky open for a while (if you have any delays yourself.)
  • Over at Art Elements, Jennifer issued this month's theme of Gothic that you can interpret any way you wish in any medium. And, you can submit your contribution in the Art Elements Community theme album any time over the month. 
  • I've seen other artists mention the Halcraft Pretty Palettes challenges before, but didn't ever see it out there anywhere. So, I finally did a search for it. Each month, they have a palette and an array of their beads and materials that you can purchase to participate. Even if you don't want to buy, I think the palettes are pretty inspiring. 
  • And, finally, Art Journey 7 at Art Bead Scene is still going on for a few more days if you're interested in playing along there too. I'm sure there will be a new one announced very soon. I'll try to add that to this list when that happens. 
  • NEW! Divya from Jewels of Sayuri pointed me toward Nicholas Wilton's Art2Life Creative Breadcrumbs Challenge. You'll need to sign up for this interesting, free challenge that runs Oct. 19-23. 
And, that's it - for now. Let me know if you know if any other challenges or at least what's been inspiring you lately. 


  1. I've always tried to participate in as many challenges as I could but not this year :( Probably because blogging is important for me and most of these did not require a blog post anymore or I was following a schedule of my own and didn't want a distraction. Which is a shame because some of these challenges are really good!

  2. There is apparently Nicholas Wilton's Art2Life Creative breadcrumbs challenge which is a 5 day challenge.

    1. Oh, that's the first time I've heard of it. Looks pretty sweet. I'll add it to the list. Thanks!


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