Reveal for the October Honey Do List

Each month, Sarajo of SJ Designs Jewelry and her husband (Eric) share the inspiration photo that Eric has given her. They call it the "Honey Do List." It's been a great jumping-off point for me for years. I've been a little creatively stuck for a few weeks now, so this challenge was a blessing this month! Eric made sure the inspiration photo was perfectly creepy for October. As soon as I saw it, I knew what beads I was going to use. So, that got me started.

I have two sets of carved skull beads in my stash. The bone ones above and some stone one that I actually used for the Honey Do List reveal in June. I did consider making something similar to the June pair (with tassels and everything) but decided to challenge myself and go in another direction.

Since Eric's photo has a touch of a red hue in it, I knew my earrings needed to also have some red. So, I selected the crimson faceted glass beads.

To make the earrings a little more feminine, I decided to add the rhinestone spacers. For some reason, gold called out to me. And, as I fiddled with their placement, I realized that the spacers kinda looked like crowns on the skulls. I went with that and added gold bead caps to help the spacers flow. Matte black glass beads were also added to help secure the beads and cover some of the larger holes.

And, that was as far as I got for this month's challenge. I'm glad I'm starting to feel my mojo again and have to give big thanks to Sarajo and Eric for that burst of inspiration. Make sure you go check out what Sarajo made for October's Honey Do List. And, there will be a link so you can visit any of the other artists who participate in this inspiring challenge. As well, you have time to make and share what the inspiration photo prompts you to make too!


  1. These are so cute! Can you say that about creepy skulls? Well done and make sure to wear these for Halloween.

    1. I think you absolutely can. I'm so happy you like them and think they fit with the challenge. I ended up wearing them a few days before Halloween, but with a spooky intent! HA.

  2. This pair turned out so pretty, Hope! The floating crowns are such a great idea!

  3. Sorry for the delay in commenting... it's been crazy town. I love the crown effect of the crystal spacers and totally approve of the crystal and skull combo! Your earrings turned out great and I'm glad that you're mojo is returning. I know it's been a heck of a ride weather wise in your neck of the woods. Hopefully it's smooth sailing from here out!

    1. Sarajo, I know all about crazy town, I'm a frequent visitor! I hope all is well though. While we're hoping for no more storms, we're currently keeping an eye on Eta to see what she does and praying that she doesn't gather any strength right now. It's been a heck of a year all the way around. I hope y'all are staying well.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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