September Challenges and Inspiration

It's getting to be slim pickings lately when it comes to art and jewelry challenges. I'm actually tempted to start my own but haven't figured out any of the particulars yet. First, I need to know if there is there any interest in another challenge. Or, is lack of interest the reason that so many are falling to the wayside. Perhaps there are just some out there in private groups and I'm not seeing them. In any case, I'd love to hear your thoughts. For now, let's get to the couple I have found.

  • The amazing couple that is Sarajo and Eric (Happy Anniversary you two!!) have shared their monthly Honey Do List photo inspiration on her SJ Designs Jewelry Blog. It's a beautiful flower with some nice color to it. You'll have to check it out yourself. The reveal is set for September 21st, but Sarajo usually has the linky tool open for weeks afterward. And, if you don't have a blog, she's willing to help you share on hers too. Check out the post to read more and see the photo.
  • Claire chose the September Monthly Theme for Art Elements. I have to admit that I'm pretty smitten that she chose Blue for the theme. It is my favorite color. This challenge is open to any medium over the whole month. Your projects can be submitted in the Art Elements Community September Album on Facebook. You can read more about the theme and challenge either on the blog or in the Facebook group

And, y'all, that's it for the monthly challenges I've discovered. I'm sure I've missed some (hopefully). So let me know if you know of any others, and if you think there's a need for a new one. Wishing you some joy in creating!


  1. Yes, it is disappointing. I am at a point where I am coming up with my own personal challenges - new experiments or my own versions of past experiments of other designers. I recently did an Urgent adornment Challenge initiated by Beverley Price in South Africa (please check out my blog for details). I am thinking of doing a series of Travel based jewellery posts where I try and create jewellery inspired by a particular place or building that I have seen while travelling. You are welcome to join me if any of it interests you.

    1. That could be a lot of fun! Will you be sharing your inspiration beforehand so I can help spread the word? I guess I better check out you post before I ask too many questions ;)


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