Peek at My Week (Nov. 17-23)

This whole week, I felt like I was wading against the tide. It began beautifully enough with some puppy love.
 But, I spent the rest of Sunday fairly lazily.

I guess I was resting up since I woke Monday with inspiration. It took me some time to get there since I needed to get the grocery shopping and a few other tasks first, but then it was playtime.
Something had me wanting to wrap rhinestones, encase them in a little bit of tin. It took more work than I thought, but I made it work! From there, I wanted to see if I could create a small box. And, I did! But, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with them, so they've been pushed aside for now.

From there, I spent much of Tuesday tackling my bag of jewelry that needed to be disassembled.

I did take a break from taking it all apart to explore the woods. And, I stumbled on this old shovelhead buried behind an old shed.

I was up before the sun on Wednesday and was fortunate enough to get to watch a couple of owls in trees near the house just before the sun came up.
I needed those moments of peace.

The rest of that day and into Thursday kept me busy sitting.
My grandmother had three appointments in that span of two days. And, there was a load of waiting around. It was frustrating. But, at least she's as healthy as she is!

Friday was house cleaning and more jewelry destruction. But, my main task was getting up to the coffee shop to upload several videos. Back at home, I couldn't help but stop to admire the color change in my Japanese Maple.
Today, it was even more vibrant, and you can bet I'll be sharing that with you next week.

On Saturday, I shared one of the uploaded videos. In this one, I answered 10 Crafty Questions while working on a few projects and there's a GIVEAWAY as part of it.
If you're interested in learning more about me, definitely watch the video!

I spent much of Saturday at my mom's house watching football and visiting with a cousin from out-of-town. Then, I binged on Downton Abbey at home while Pat played a gig. Another lazy day - oops. 

I'm already running behind, so let's get to this week's inspiration:
We have a bit of a holiday week ahead of us, though my work never ends. So, I'm looking forward to a little downtime and fun this week. I hope you find some yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Disassembling old jewelry has been on my list for ages, I hope this post will make me do it at last :) The video is a cool idea - I love how you pulled out a bead soup bracelet while talking casually and those random journaling prompts are so cool!


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