Peek at My Week (Oct. 27 - Nov. 2)

Today we "Fall Back" an hour for Daylight Savings, and that means there's an additional hour to the day for sleeping in, knocking something off the to-do list, or packing a little more fun into the weekend. I think I'm going to try a little all of these. Sleeping in ✔︎. This post will be my to-do list item (I might even make this week's menu!) Once all that's done, I'm hoping we'll have a little puppy-fun like we did last weekend.
We started Sunday by picking up lunch from the Green and Grain food truck and heading down to Fairhope beach with Zoe to enjoy the view and our food. 

Once we gobbled up all the goodness, we decided to check out 5 Rivers Delta Resource Center. It's been around for quite a few years, but we've never ventured out to the Causeway to check it out, usually we stay closer to home or head South for our adventures. We loved all the amenities we found out there. 
I was stricken with the view of the Mobile, AL Skyline. And, we were especially pleased to see the really nice kayak and canoe launch! I'm sure we'll take advantage of that just as soon as the weather begins to warm up again. 

Zoe particularly liked the trails.
She does like to walk in the woods. And, we completely wore her out with that exploration.

Monday included my usual food-related chores (fridge cleaning, menu-making, and grocery shopping) before I tried my hand at eye-drawing for the Art Elements reveal

I continued to explore eye-opening crafts with my beaded Eye of Sauron on Tuesday. 
My layout of the materials cracked me up since it looked something like a jack-o-lantern and even included Halloweeny colors. 

The wirework for the eye stressed me out some but definitely got me in the mood for jewelry-making. So, I pulled out my Bead Box and got to work on a project from there.
I was smitten with this brass button and that smidge of natural patina on it! Yum.

Since I knew I was heading to my mom's on Thursday for Halloween, I stayed home on Wednesday to make sure I got everything ready for the eye reveal and accomplished some other tasks. This included feeding my urge to texture metal blanks with embossing folders. 
By the time I created this pile, I needed to stop to make dinner. 

Thursday was Halloween, and the scariest things I saw were the pumpkins that my nieces carved a few weeks before. A beard of mold is what it looked like to me! The humidity in our area ensures that carved pumpkins don't live long.
Despite their ages, both of the nieces dressed up for a night out with their friends. However, I completely failed to get pictures. Oops! I did have a lovely lunch with one of my best friends. She gifted me with a few things that I'll have to show y'all later. She knows me so well!!

Friday should have been more productive than it was based simply on the long list I made for myself. But, I slacked on the household stuff so that I could get to working with the Vintaj Patinas and those metal blanks. 
I stalled out with this one though as I wanted a pale pink alcohol ink to coat it that didn't exist in my stash. So, the niece and I ran to a few craft stores where she asked about the applications she had put in and ended up with an interview while I shopped. Ha! So, it was a productive trip out. 

On Saturday, I resumed the coloring of the blanks and even recorded a video of my process to share later. 
Now I've got this beautiful pile from which to work!

Speaking of beautiful, Pat and I went to pick up dinner and were rewarded with a stunning sunset.
I'll admit that it's a little blurry as I snapped it while he drove. But, I knew its beauty had to be shared with y'all. 

And, now let me share some more inspiration that I encountered over the week. 

Now, I'm off to see what fun can be had in this extra-hour day. 
I hope you make the most of it as well!


  1. Trying to work with that extra hour now. Beautiful work you've done, and your photos are great. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I hope you had an extra awesome day with that extra hour. We did - until it got dark so early. Poop. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! I appreciate you coming by! :D

  2. You've had another productive week, Hope! The Vintaj items reminded me of the jewelry courses I took - Vintaj was my favorite, I even took it twice :)

  3. You embossed metal pieces look really cool with the patina inks. How do you emboss them? Do you use sizzix? The light pink looks amazing with honeysuckle and the yellow oranges really pop. I am looking forward to seeing the making video.


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