November Challenges and Inspirations

I like to share the creative challenges I find on social media because it's always more fun when more people play along. I know we're heading into the holidays and time gets short, but I do hope you'll consider participating. One of these only involves taking pictures for Instagram! Anyway, here's my list for November.

  • I'll go ahead and mention the Instagram one first because it has the shortest time frame as it changes every week. The gals at Art Elements have decided to do a photo challenge with a single prompt each week.  And, there's a Facebook option too if you don't have an Instagram account. Read all about the new photo prompt challenge on their blog. 
  • Erin's back with another We're All Ears Challenge at Earrings Everyday. This month she's opted to use a Random Name Generator to spur our inspiration with a list of intriguingly paired words. Or, you can choose to use the generator yourself to find your own. I kinda love this! The reveal is set for November 15th. 
  • Over at SJ Designs Jewelry, Eric has issued Sarajo a set of photos for inspiration. She's shared them with us as part of the Honey Do List Challenge for November. There are three pictures of stained glass windows from a castle. Very cool! The linky tool for this reveal will be available on her blog on November 25th. 
  • Likewise, November 25th is the date set for the Art Elements November Theme Hop. The theme for this month is Fossils. Remember that this challenge is open to any medium, but you must leave a comment to sign up and be included in the hop.
  • Art Journey #8 at Art Bead Scene has the stained glass of Frank Lloyd Wright for inspiration. (Isn't it funny that both this and SJ's use stained glass this month!?) I'm a pretty big fan of the architect and may just have to break out the art beads and see what I can create before November 30th. Read all about the challenge and how to enter on their blog. 
Did I miss anything? If so, just leave me a comment and let me know. Which one of these fun challenges is calling to you?

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