Mixed Media Fairy Nook (for Art Elements April Challenge)

It was almost the middle of April before I saw the Art Elements Challenge for the month. However, as soon as I saw the theme of Repurposing, I knew I had to participate. Finding a new way to use objects and incorporating unusual materials into my work is the heart and soul of most everything I  make. Seriously, just look through this blog or my Etsy shop and you'll find loads of repurposed items. And, it didn't take me long to decide what my actual project for this challenge would be but finding the time to do it was harder than I expected. I crammed working on it in the last couple of days, and am surprised how well it ended up coming together.

Some time ago, I picked up an old, plastic alarm clock at the thrift store. I immediately took out the battery-operated innards knowing that I could use the main structure as some kind of shadowbox.
But, it sat in my stash until I had the inspiration to proceed. This challenge was just that inspiration.

If you're interested in watching all the pieces for this mixed media fairy nook come together, I did record a video (big surprise!) of my process.
However, I'll also walk you through the steps I took as the video is a little choppy since I was trying to ensure that it wasn't too long. And, there was a lot of jumping back and forth on the steps to allow for dry time. 

I started by spray painting the whole structure black just to have a base. Alas, the paint stayed sticky on the plastic, and I ended up just painting acrylic black paint over it. While I was at it, I also painted four small wood spools black to use as the feet.
After that, three different texture pastes were applied to the outside of the structure. I had hoped to make it look like rust with layers of paint, but instead, it looks more like tree bark. And, that's okay by me. 

To cover the back of the piece, I cut down a cracker box to the right size, coated it in gesso, and glued on some old paper with handwriting on it. After that, I used my sewing machine to give some sketchy black lines around the edge. 
The inside of the clock structure was painted gold to give a bit of a magical glow to the piece and allow it to reflect light. 

A larger spool was painted with gesso and a little brown paint. It was topped with a small tuft of red and white fabric to make it resemble a mushroom. 
The fairy was created with a Tim Holtz paper doll. A butterfly stamp and embossing powder on scrapbook paper were used to make her wings. 

For the base, I stacked two layers of foam core and glued them inside the clock. The mushroom spool was glued to the foam core before moss was added.
I simply used Aleene's Tacky Glue to stick everything in place. 

It's a shame that it took me so long to get started on this because once I got the ball rolling, it really just fell together.
And, I LOVE HER!! I could probably have added a few more touches: maybe some flowers. But, the simplicity really lets her stand out. 

I would have liked to have made a few more projects for this challenge. However, since most of what I make is repurposed, I think it'll be okay. I'm busting at the seams to see what the other participants made for this theme. Make sure you hop around and take in the art created for this challenge. I'm sure it'll be super inspiring. 

AE Team: NikyLaneyCathyCarolineJenJennySueClaireLesley


  1. Paper dolls! I love them!! I too collect interesting containers and 'stuff' for dioramas that have yet to be created, love how the outside of your old clock turned out, it might not be the rust look you wanted but I think the bark effect works so much better :D

  2. This is so precious Hope! I love how the unintended "bark" came out.

  3. Fantastic creation Hope - I always love seeing things you've 'discovered' on you're social media posts and how you incorporated them into your art. Thank you for joining us in this challenge.

  4. What a great way to reuse the clock! I'm glad you had inspiration with this theme to use it!

  5. I don't know why, but your project reminds me of the Magicians show on TV (available on Prime/Netflix). It was scary, creepy, fun, cool, and innocent - all at the same time

    1. Divya, Oh, I haven't seen that show. I may have to check it out. Scary, creepy, fun, cool are definitely in my wheelhouse! Thanks for the recommendation and for hopping by!

  6. Hope, she's absolutely Divine and your whole project came out beautifully! Luv the idea of using an old alarm clock as a 'frame' and the spools as a base! I started late too, but YOU got yours finished :) Al

    1. Al, You are too kind. I think think idea has been rolling around in my head for long enough that once I got the ball rolling, it just came together. I tried to keep it simple too and that helped. Thank you for your kindness!

  7. I love how you made the wings for the paper doll . The project is perfect for the challenge.

    1. Kathy, Thanks! You just can't go wrong with a paper-crafting technique can you? I really love that embossing powder that has just a touch of glitter in it. It's a shame I'm not sure where it came from - it was gifted to me. Thanks again for hopping by!

  8. What a brilliant idea! I love shadow boxes and yours is fantastic. Really enjoyed reading about your process too, I'll be back later to watch the video!

    1. Caroline, Thanks so much! Yes, there's something special about shadow boxes isn't there? I'm so glad I saved this clock for so long as it worked out perfectly. I'm so glad you agree!

  9. I immediately read it as bark and thought it was perfect. She is adorable. The alarm clock as shadowbox concept is brilliant!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad to hear that the texture comes across as bark and not a brown blob! Ha. I had so much fun making this little fairy nook, I'm looking forward to maybe making more with other thrift store items. Thank you for visiting and for your kind words.

  10. This is such a lovely and poetic piece, what a great idea to use an old alarm clock! I always love reading about your process. Shadow boxes are favorites of mine but I have never tried one! Yours is fabulous!

  11. What a great use for the old clock. I think this is such a clever use for it. I love everything about the shadowbox. And the outside texture turned out beautifully.

    1. Cathy, Thank you! It was so much fun to play with all the little bits and bobs I have in my stash and bring them together into one piece. I really should have tried to work some beads and/or buttons into the piece, but I'm happy with her as she is at the moment. I'm so happy you like her too!

  12. I love this so much! What a clever use of that old alarm clock. And it turned out so great! I wish I had the creativity to create vignettes like this. Thanks for participating in another of our challenges. We love having you.

    1. Jennifer, Thanks! I'm sure you have the creativity. I just threw everything I could think of at this clock and am happy it worked out. You could totally do that. I love participating with y'all. The themes are always so inspiring!

  13. I watched the video first (I hate reading blog posts on small devices) and the process was fascinating! This looks fabulous and really shows creative juices flowing :)

  14. This fairy's absolutely lovely, Hope! I loved that you used an old alarm clock for the project. :) All the elements in your shadowbox work really well together - I like the combination of the bark texture and the moss (and the mushroom), and of course, the various paper elements! I can imagine the glow from the gold when the light hits the shadowbox right - just magical.

    1. Anita, Thank you! Yes, the whole piece screams of magic to me. I'm so glad I bit the bullet and finally began using some of the lovely elements I've been saving.

  15. So enchanting. I love the accidental wood texture on the outside.

  16. This turned out so very adorable! I love the bark effect you ended up with and that mushroom is so cute. Nice work!!

    1. Thank you, Sarajo! The bark was so very accidental. I really just wanted some texture to make a rust-looking exterior, but it apparently wanted to be bark instead so I rolled with it. Ha. Thanks for your kind words.


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