May Challenges & Inspirations

I've had a hard time lately completing any artwork unless it's some part of a challenge or theme prompt. But, without these challenges, I don't know if I'd get anything done. Thank goodness for these inspirations! Here are the latest ones I've found for May (and beyond). I hope they help you get something beautiful made too.

  • Erin at Earrings Everyday has issued another amazing inspiration for the We're All Ears Challenge. She chose wirework for the theme, specifically the work of Ruth Asawa. Check out her May Inspiration post and share what you made on May 17th. 
  • Each month, Sarajo at SJ Designs Jewelry shares the Honey Do List Inspiration photo from her husband Eric. This month's photo is of a beautiful green lizard. The deadline for this challenge is May 20th. 
  • I always love to see what the monthly theme is at Art Elements because they open up the challenge to any medium. This month, Susan chose Forest as the Challenge Inspiration. If you're interested in contributing to the blog hop on May 30th, make sure you leave a comment on the post.
  • Over at the Art Bead Scene Blog, they've revealed the Art Journey #4 inspiration of the work of Odilon Redon. Keep in mind that jewelry for this challenge must include an art bead, but you have until Junk 15th to submit your contribution(s). 
Right now, these are all the challenges I know of, but please don't hesitate to let me know if you are aware of any I've missed. I'd hate to rob you or myself of some great inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Even though some of these are right up my alley, I'm not planning to participate. But they are inspirational!


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