Sometimes You Love It, Sometimes You Don't

The inspiration photo for Sarajo's Honey Do List for October includes a plethora of elements that could be inspiring. I made my own list of what stood out to me as I looked at the clock from the Czech Republic. It included clock/clock hands, gilded gold, bright blue, stars, and constellations. In the end, I made two pieces - one that worked out well, and one with which I'm not as pleased. I'll start with the more successful of the two.

The bright blue with touches of gold on the clock stood out to me. I don't know if it was because it was the main pop of color in the picture or the fact that blue and gold were my high school colors.

To make the bracelet, I snipped a piece of cookie tin into a rectangle, filed down the sharp edges, and punched holes on the ends. I used several shades of blue Vintaj Patina and Ranger Alcohol Ink then added Gold Foil to alter the top of the tin. Once the tin was sealed, I curved it to fit comfortably. 

It was lucky that I had both gold and cobalt blue faceted glass beads of the same size in my stash. I sandwiched the larger beads between seed beads and wire-wrapped them together with gold-tone wire to make a chain for the bracelet. 

It doesn't have the stars that I originally envisioned as part of this piece, but I think it worked out just fine this way.

Now, for the first piece I created.
I've long been a collector of old jewelry and watches. As I shared yesterday, I pulled out my stash of watch parts to help inspire me for this challenge.

I ended up selecting three watch faces (two from old watches, one reproduction) and a pair of reproduction clock hands to create the focal for this necklace. I did alter the clock hands with gold leaf to give them more of the gilded gold look that's in the inspiration photo. My attempt with the gold foil did not achieve the sublime-ness of the original at all. 

While I initially liked the idea of the three watch faces, they just don't hang right. The faces turn - both around on the headpins that attach them to the chain and backward so the backside of the watch shows. It's just not as stable as I'd like. 

I enjoyed playing with the idea of using the clock faces this way, but it needs some work. I'm not in love with it. And, I've decided that if I don't love something - I don't have to keep it. It's been hard to come to that realization, but it's necessary. So, this necklace will be dismantled. I could probably alter the way the vintage watch parts hang to ensure that they don't move so much, but since the design isn't singing for me - I'm not sure it's worth the effort. 

I absolutely appreciate the inspiration from Sarajo and Eric. I was able to play with some of my treasures, even if one of the designs didn't work. I did get one beautiful bracelet out of the bunch. And, I hope that I've helped other artists realize that just because you make something, doesn't mean that that's its final form. YOU get to decide if it works. 

Now, head over to SJ Designs Jewelry to see her reveal and that of the others who ran with the inspiration photo. 


  1. Lovely pieces! The first piece, the bracelet, captures the colors of the photo beautifully. I also really like the watch necklace--but I totally understand the frustration of when something doesn't lay right, or just doesn't sing to you. I'm still learning the lesson of "if you don't like it, you're allowed to take it apart." I'm sure that those components will look gorgeous when just the right design presents itself! :)

  2. I love the necklace - it looks like a dainty lariat even if it isnt one. The way the three dials are arranged one below the other is poetic. But it is a pity if they turn as you say. Will a wire wrapped backing work, I wonder?

  3. I love the bracelet with its striking colors and the work you did on the tin connector! The necklace design is quite striking, it's a pity there are "construction" issues and you don't like it so much but it's up to you to decide whether to keep it and solve the issues or discard it. There's no recipe, I've done both - coming up with a solution is gratifying, though :)

  4. I love the clock piece as is. So creative. I do know what you mean though about not loving something and that is ok. I am sure you will come up with a clock face design that you do love! The blue piece is a beauty. Cobalt is such a rich color.

  5. I just adore that bracelet! You got great colors with the patinas... I'm super impressed! As for the necklace, I think it looks great but totally get that just because it looks cool in a photo doesn't mean it behaves the way you want. It's a great idea and there are some awesome elements. What about removing the misbehaving two clock faces and either just dangling the clock hands or adding another/different dangle element. Just a thought. :) Thanks so much for playing along with us this month! Check back on November 1st to see what Eric dreams up for us next!

    1. Sarajo, Thank you!! I think I started with the alcohol inks on the tin and built from there with the patinas and gold leaf. It worked out perfectly, didn't it? I wouldn't have come up with this if it hadn't been for you and Eric. Thank y'all for the inspiration. Your suggestions on how to "fix" the necklace are appealing, but there are other little issues I have with the construction that don't show up as well in the photos, but they bother me that they're there. Thank you for all the ideas though. I do appreciate it so much! Again, thank you!!

  6. I LOVE the blue bracelet, but I also like the watch face necklace...I know the feeling though, I go through that sometimes with my paintings...sometimes if I just step away for a while then go back and add 1 touch, it makes all the difference! We are our own worst critics!!

  7. I love the bracelet! It really captures the feel of that clock, and I think the gold gilt really feels like stars to me. Sorry the necklace doesn't hang right--but it looks like a cool idea to try. Thanks for playing along!

    1. Eric, Thank you!! I especially thank you for your inspiration. Each month, it's something new and different. And, even if it's more challenging than I would usually take on, I love that it pushes me. Thank you for that!


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