Peek at My Week: October 7-13

This week was all about finding treasures and treasuring what I've found, and honestly, I didn't even realize that until I began this roundup.

Sunday was all about getting tasks accomplished outside. Pat and I did yard work and then I washed the vehicles. As a reward for our hard work, we headed to one of Fairhope's newest restaurant gems: TexarBama BBQ
Y'all! I can't even describe how good this place is. Everything just melts in your mouth. So yummy!

On Monday, it began to feel kinda nice outside so I decided to go for a walk down the street and then through some of our trails.
On the side of most of the roads in my area right now are these bright wildflowers. They just make me smile.

We've been so busy with the rest of the property this summer that the trails have been neglected. I found lots of downed limbs and even several small trees.
One little, fallen tree was covered in these beautiful mushrooms. Though Zoe was insisting that we keep going down the path, I had to stop and snap a shot of them. Don't they just scream Fall?

Tuesday was full of surprises. First, I needed to clean up outside some because we weren't sure how close Hurricane Michael was going to get to us. As I headed for the door, Pat mentioned that he had seen a few doo-dads buried near the deck that I might want to investigate.
Sure enough, I found these decorative accents in the dirt. 

Once I got everything picked up outside, it was time to head to the store.
In my car was this perfect little moth. Alas, he was no longer alive. But, I wouldn't have been able to get his picture if he had been. 

While out shopping, I began to see signs of the impending hurricane and the preparations for it. 
Bucket trucks from various power companies were parked in several shopping centers in my area. It gave me some relief to know that aid was ready to be given.

Back at home, I was surprised to find a bit of happy mail.
I knew I had won the amazing little toadstool from Caroline at Blue Berri Beads, but had no idea it would come across the pond so quickly! Look how amazing it is. You should have heard me squeeeee!!!

Normally on Wednesday, I head over to visit with my family. Since we weren't sure what the weather would be like, I stayed home instead and tried to focus on getting work done.
I finished up the last couple projects in Bead Box 4 and should have a reveal of them for you soon.

However, much of the day was spent watching the weather.
We were so very lucky - so many were not. 

Thursday was a day of distracting myself from the news of the destruction in one of our most favorite areas on earth. Just last year, we were vacationing in Florida in the Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Cape San Blas area. And in 2014, we camped and explored the same area. I can't believe the pictures I'm seeing from those places. It's heartbreaking to hear what the residents there are going through. Please say a prayer and send aid if you can at this terrible time.

I left the house for a few hours to get better internet at a local coffee shop. Getting out the house really made me focus on the tasks in front of me, and I came home energized and inspired. I realized that even though I have loads of inspiration at home, it's often overwhelming. Sometimes I need to step away from my hermit-like ways to really center-in on what's important. I'm going to have to do that more often.
Zoe, however, is a little more skeptical about me leaving the house. 

On Friday, we awoke to amazing weather. The morning was even a little chilly. The afternoon high was bearable!
We tried to be outside as much as possible.

Zoe and I went for a walk and checked the mail to find more treasures!
Jenny from Wonder and Whimsy had messaged me a few weeks ago that she found a couple of cool tins that she thought I would like and was sending them to me. I had no idea how flipping awesome those tins would be or that she was including so many other beauties. THANK YOU! I'm not sure that I'll be able to cut into either of those gorgeous tins... 
Head over to her latest Wonder and Whimsy Challenge post because there's a Giveaway! 

Here, I shared a fun tutorial for making Candy Corn Charms.
They're so easy and so cute too!

Friday was also our 16th Anniversary. After a bite to eat at a friend's restaurant, we decided to take advantage of the slightly cooler air and have our first fire in the fire pit.
As you can tell, the fire pit has been neglected all summer. We had hoped the fire would burn off all the weeds. However, it didn't want to catch, and the above picture shows the best of the flames we could get. But, it was nice to be outside enjoying each other and the property.

Pat enjoyed more of the outdoors on Saturday as he worked on the deck some more. I, however, stayed inside decorating for Halloween, watching football, and working on a necklace that's been in progress for far too long.
Alas, it still didn't get finished. At least I have something that'll be easy to pick up again later.

Yes, it was a week of blessings and reminders to cherish those blessings. I hope you found some joy in your week too. Here are a few links that I hope will bring you inspiration for the week ahead.

Have a beautiful week!


  1. We were lucky too with the storm. Although is went directly over us it was not too bad. I am impressed with the infrastructure here after bother Michael and Florence going right over us, meanwhile power and cable both stayed on! It is horrible how some places were completely devastated by these storms. That was a neat find in your yard during storm prep.

    It is fun trying out new restaurants. There is a nearby BBQ place here that is always mobbed. Being a vegetarian, I really need to check the menu first to be prepared. We want to find a great BBQ place to bring family when they visit.

    Those mushrooms you found are really cool!

  2. I'm so sorry about the destruction and tragedy caused by Hurricane Michael! Even with all the preparation... I hope you enjoy the warm autumn to the utmost :)

  3. I hope that the hurricane doesnt do more damage and that you are safe. Those tins are fabulous. Waiting to see what you make out of them

    1. Divya, We are definitely safe from Hurricane Michael, but I'm still worrying about the areas impacted. Thank you for your kind thoughts. As for the tins, I'm not positive I'll be able to cut into them right away - they're too special! I will have to work with some of the others I've collected and think on it.


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