Peek at My Week: Oct. 21 - 27

I never quite know where each week will take me, and these little peeks have been such a fantastic way to journal. I hope you don't mind.
Sunday was all about getting stuff done. I edited pictures and readied blog posts.

Trying to get rid of some over-ripe bananas, I made a yummy banana bread.

While I was busy inside, Pat finished up the floor of our back deck.

To celebrate his work on the deck, we went out for coffee. Even Zoe got a puppuccino. You'll have to head to Instagram to see the video of her enjoying it. 

After taking care of some of the household errands and delivering a pair of earrings on Monday, I began stocking my bead box by sorting through the items in my inspiration jar. 

It wasn't long before I had picked out the main pieces for each of the sections of the box. 

I took a break to re-charge by walking the trails in our backyard. I'm always stricken by the beauty of this oak tree with the sparse magnolia growing near its trunk. 

On Tuesday, I went to my mom's and we celebrated my birthday with my favorite dessert!

As I continued to work on stocking my bead box on Wednesday, buttons were pulled out!

After I did some personal birthday shopping, we had dinner with friends to celebrate. We ended the night at the new Little Whiskey Christmas Club in downtown Fairhope. It's a fun little place all year round!

My bead cabinet saw some serious action as I finished filling up the bead box at long last. 

Look at that beautifully stocked bead box!

Friday saw the start of a new project that I'll likely reveal in the next few days.

We watched an epic high school football game on TV as Tua's brother played against Bear Bryant's great-grandson. If you're not into Alabama Football, none of that probably made any sense. Ha! And, our friend made this amazing ratatouille as part of dinner during the game.  It was almost too pretty to eat.

Wanting to get away from the house for a bit, especially since we were at a stopping point on the deck, we headed to Elberta, AL on Saturday for their German Sausage Festival. It was a beautiful day, and the festival was packed. 

As we were leaving the festival, I spotted this tree with these amazing flowers. I have no idea what it is, but the shape of these in their large clusters is so interesting. 

For a little more inspiration and beauty, let me share what I found interesting online this week.

I think that's probably plenty enough inspiration for us all! Here's hoping your week is full of all kinds of amazing!


  1. Enjoy your back deck, it looks so inviting :) Looks like you've had lots of fun this week and this journaling is a great way to introduce lots of different pretty pictures! Unknowingly, I practiced the "five more rule" during the weekend - I was stuck at home will doing chores but also decided to finish an UFO. I had to make lots of peyote tubes and this is so tedious that I had to force myself to make just four more, then just two more and thus ended up making all I needed :)

  2. Thank you so much for including a link to my tutorial.

  3. The deck looks fantastic. You must have an amazing yard too! I would love to have woods to enjoy daily. What a unique take on ratatouille. So perfect. Those flowers are beautiful! We visited a garden and a park yesterday and I could not believe the amount and variety of flowers blooming at this time of year! Everything is pretty much dead now (except mums) where we moved from.

  4. Love Tiramisu too! Hubs makes the best! If I haven't said before, I like your weekly recount. A good idea I may borrow someday? Thank You, Alysen

    1. Alysen, How lucky you are to have a husband who makes Tiramisu!! I've always planned on learning a recipe, but I'm nervous about being disappointed in it. I know they can be complicated and labor-intensive because of all the ingredients (especially if you make the ladyfingers from scratch!) I may have to ask for his recipe! ;) You are totally welcome to borrow the idea. I kinda borrowed it from other bloggers myself, but gave it my own spin and have added to it. HA! If you like the format though, you are welcome to use it . Have a wonderful week!!


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