Peek at my Week | Feb. 25 - March 3

I decided back in October/November to start wrapping up each week by sharing photos and links from the week as a peek into my corner of the world. I gave y'all one peek, and then... I don't know. I forgot. I got busy. I didn't feel interesting. Something. I'm going to try this again and see how it goes.

Sunday started low-key with some rain trying to wash away the mounds of pollen that's plaguing everyone's allergies and hayfever. (It didn't work.)

I decided to do some planting as the day turned kinda beautiful. Since we didn't have potting soil, I just scooped some from our raised bed garden. To do seed starters, I'm totally using cleaned out K-cups. Recycling yo!!

The K-cups work really awesomely as they already have a hole punched in the bottom for drainage, and I could just use a Sharpie to write on the side what I planted. 

I put them all in old planter flats that I found out in the woods. Yes, there's still tons of random stuff to be discovered in Silverlox Forest!

Monday morning began with a little art journal play.

I was able to meet a good friend for lunch at Roosters in downtown Mobile. It was SO GOOD!

On Tuesday, I couldn't resist a kitten in a window!

And, with Spring in full force here, the bees buzzing in the azaleas caught my attention.

I did get a little work done too as I altered some tin.

I'm not sure what happened Wednesday and Thursday as there just weren't any interesting pictures in my camera roll.
I guess I decided to make up for it on Friday as I busted butt getting things done. Pat helped out with some of my Spring Cleaning by vacuuming the blinds! Woot!!

I couldn't help strolling the yard to take in all the new growth after a fairly harsh winter for us. (We got snow! Twice!)

Shopping was a must-do on Friday too since I was low on some findings I needed to complete a design or two. And though there's plenty here I didn't need, how could I resist those yellow clearance tags!?

On Saturday, we put in some work. Pat started the day by finishing and hanging a door on the pole barn.

It was so very nice outside, we did a bunch of work in the yard before treating ourselves to bushwhackers at Big Daddy's on the river.

From there, we ran to the feed store for a few fruit trees, but I couldn't help peeking at the peepers. 

We're hoping to plant the trees today and tackle a few other things, maybe even enjoy this amazing weather. But, to do so, I need to get off the computer! I hope your week treated you well. What do you have planned for the week to come?


  1. I like this post. Great pictures and fun to see how others spend their week. Mine doesn't seem nearly as interesting. Maybe if I take more pictures. Love your altered tin!!

    1. Ann, Oh, I'm so glad to hear you like this post. It feels like part personal journaling, part sharing. I totally encourage more picture-taking! I can't help myself. When I see something beautiful or interesting in the world I can't help by try to preserve it. Though, many times it stays locked away in my camera roll. I do hope you do take some more pictures to share. I can be so nosy! ;) Thank you for taking a peek!

  2. I love that you're recycling those K-cups. Great idea! That barn door is so fabulous. What an awesome hubby you have there...and he vacuums too! Wow! You really found yourself a piece of heaven there in Silverlox Forest. I would never want to leave.

    1. Lorraine, I've been saving those k-cups for AGES to use as seed starters. However, I have thrown more away than I care to admit as they aren't the easiest things to clean out. In fact, I had a talk with Pat this weekend about reverting back to a regular coffeemaker. Though, I wouldn't mind learning to use a French Press either. I think we both lucked up in the husband department. Handy hubbys are the best!! Mine doesn't always vacuum, but I was lucky he recently got the new little shop vac and was itching to use it! As for leaving the property...yeah, we don't often leave it except for getting supplies and having some time by the water. We love it out here for sure! Thanks for peeking at me week!

  3. I just love this... I am getting ready to move this month... (I am no where near ready) And I think when I get to my honey's property (he lives in the country and has 5 acres of land...woo hoo) I will be doing more posts like this. I can not wait to get my hands on some land for a garden and stuff.

  4. Yummy and colorful post! The altered tin circles drew my attention. The landscape is so spring-like, we're still recovering from the heavy snow fall and freezing temperatures in the last two weeks. It's looking better now, though :)


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