Review of Keurig 2.0 #HelloKeurig

Disclaimer: I received the Keurig 2.0 complimentary for testing and review purposes. However, the opinions expressed in this post are mine.

I don't think I could live without coffee in my life.

Actually, while I'm sure I could LIVE without coffee, my life would be a whole lot groggier and less tasty without that sweet, sweet nectar. And, I'd probably have a lot less friends. Anyway. . . A couple of years ago, my mom gifted us with a Keurig coffee maker and we haven't looked back. I love the variety of flavors and brands you can get in the k-cups. As well, making a single cup of coffee instead of a whole pot is perfect for our family of two. When I was given the opportunity from Influenster and Keurig to test and review the new Keurig 2.0, I jumped at the chance and was delighted when it showed up on our doorstep.

The setup for the machine was easy, including installing the water filter. (Our old one didn't have one of those.) After using the machine for a week or so, I did a little video review of it. . .yes, me in a video e-gads!

So now that we've had the machine for a few weeks, let me share with you some of the pros and cons of the Keurig 2.0

  • The Carafe - While I do love the ease of getting a single cup, sometimes you may have company or need to fill a thermos. Having the carafe as an option is perfect.
  • Touch Screen -  I just have a thing for touch screens. Personal preference.
  • Customization  - Being able to change the color of the touch screen and water light is a silly little thing, but delights me to no end.
  • Auto Brew/Timer - You can set the machine to brew your cup of coffee any time of the day, perfect for for when you get up in the morning.
  • 10 Brew Sizes - From a single 4oz cup to a 5 cup carafe-full, you have the option to make as little or as much as you need.
  • 80 Ounce Water Reservoir  - This is the largest one Keurig has made. We don't have to refill it as often and that's fantastic for my lazy butt.
  • Sleek Design - I can't imagine the machine wouldn't fit in in most homes/kitchens.
  • Water Filter - This was easy to install and makes me feel better knowing it's in there.
  • Coffee Strength - The ability to customize my coffee so that it's a stronger brew is great as I do love me a nice, strong man cuppa.

  • No Insulation - The carafe doesn't seem to be insulated or at least not well, so it doesn't take long for the coffee to cool down. This isn't  a problem if you're serving several people at once or transferring the coffee to an insulated container, but not so great for leaving it on your counter for a little while (especially while your microwave is busted).
  • Keurig K-cups Only - The machine scans all k-cups placed in the machine for the Keurig logo, not working on those without it. As well, I've heard that the re-usable self-fillable k-cups don't work in the machine either. I've already encountered this on two occasions as I wasn't paying attention to the cups

If you get the Keurig 2.0 you'll have to make sure the Keurig logo is on the packaging, else the machine will not brew that perfect cup for you, despite it having really nice manners most of the time.

With only the two cons to list, I'm pretty happy with the Keurig 2.0 and have learned I need to pay more attention when grabbing K-cups from the grocery store. I'll have to set up the old machine in order to brew that whole box I just bought but the new machine isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Now to enjoy another yummy cup of joe.


  1. Dang. I am glad that you did this review because one of your cons would be a huge sticking point for this family. My husband's favorite brand isn't sold by Keurig and he is the coffee drinker.

  2. Wow. What a way to make sure you buy their brand. Pretty clever. I use an electric Presto percolator and I love it.

  3. I still have the old Mr. Coffee maker with no frills, but when I was living with my Mom she had a Keurig and I did enjoy making only one cup with no mess to clean up. Maybe if I am a really good girl Santa will bring me a Keurig 2.0.


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