On My Desk and A Wheely Hop

After the last two very non-creative, lack of eye candy posts; I thought it best that I change that by sharing some of the projects currently occupying my desk.

Alas, Earring Day has expanded past earring week and may turn into earring month if I'm not careful. These supplies still occupy a large portion of my work table.

I haven't touched the mixed-media, art journal supplies in a a week or two so I was aching to pull them out. I started on this page in my 'journal' this morning while I edited some pictures.

Lastly, something that used to resemble this (below) has my attention.
I've somehow failed to mention that several months ago Janet of Honey from the Bee sent out these wooden wheels to myself and several other jewelry artists as part of a challenge. 
She asked that we take these and transform them somehow into jewelry. The reveal is next week, October 1st, and I've waited until the last minute to work on it. Though, I've had an idea for a while as to what I was going to do.  Make sure to drop by next week and see what's become of my wheel. I can't wait to see how the other participants have transformed theirs!


  1. I am anxious to see what this one becomes, Hope :)

  2. Okay now I am curious to see what the wheel becomes. That one would utterly baffle me.

  3. I can't wait to see how you transform your wheel!

    1. Kim - It turned out pretty well. I can't wait to show it off and see what the other designers made as well. Stay tuned!

  4. I can't wait either! ;-) This was a toughie for me, but I'm happy with what I came up with.

    1. Janet - I just delayed it too long. I'm sooooo looking forward to seeing what everyone else came up with for theirs. Should be quite fun.

  5. Looking forward to see more earrings and what you will turn this wheel into :)

  6. Hi Hope,
    I too am looking forward to seeing what you and everyone else has done with their wheel. I finally have mine done and ready to post, but seeing the photo above reminded me that I did not take a before picture. Oh well! Your mix media journal is looking good. I only make earrings when I am making a set, I need to make more earrings just for the heck of it.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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