Plentiful Excitement | Menu Plan & Recipe Review

Y'ALL!! Football season starts THIS WEEK! The first SEC game is on Thursday with the Alabama game on Saturday. I cannot wait. Of course there will be other games on too that I might even watch. For now I'm keeping occupied with other tasks, my menu for one.

Breakfasts: Cereal, Smoothies, Muffins, PB toast with fruit, Quiche with hashbrown crust, French toast

Lunches: PB&J, Pizza paninis, Tuna noodles, Soup w/grilled cheese, Chicken fingers w/sweet potato fries, Creamy garlic pasta w/salad

Veggie Tacos w/corn
Pork Chops with creamy mushrooms and dill w/broccoli & mashed potatoes


Recipe Review

Veggie and tofu stir fry: I've made this before and enjoyed it. As before, I couldn't find the baby bok choy, so I just increased the amount of the other veggies. It was yummy.

Barbequed tofu sandwiches (above): This was an easy recipe. I recommend that you plan ahead as it takes about 30 minutes to press to tofu and then 30 minutes to marinate it. After that, it cooks quickly. We definitely enjoyed it, but I thought it would be better with the bread toasted for a crunch. However, Pat thought that just a regular bun would have been better than the bakery wheat buns. Either way, we'll be making them again.

I not only have an exciting college football season to look forward to, but a yummy menu as well. What are you looking forward to this week?

1 comment:

  1. I stopped watching sports games long ago but it's fun to have my husband's friends to watch soccer. Fun and funny to watch them, I mean :)


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