Currently I'm. . .

Bookmarking || I love this perspective from Elizabeth at Delightfully Tacky in her Learning = Sucking post. My favorite quote from her in the whole thing, "Allow yourself to be bad at things in the pursuit of getting better at them." Seriously, go read her post. I'm sure it will touch a chord.

Creating || Lots and lots of simple bracelets. I was on a kick. I'm not sure any of these are even very good, but it got my hands moving while I focused on other thoughts.

Enjoying || My husband's super intelligence and ability to figure out my computer issues this morning while I simply freaked out.

Feeling || Awful, I’m still suffering from this darn sinus headache. I think it's either getting better or I'm getting used to it.

Listing || This necklace from back in January is now finally in the shop.
Trust Necklace

Making || A big ole mess on my desk.

Marveling || Over the fact that another month has passed us by and we are already into August.

Needing || To go out and do some shopping for a birthday present.

Playing || Too many dang games on my phone

Reading || Wool by Hugh Howey

Wanting || To win Lorelei’s giveaway for today. It’s awesome y’all!
Lorelei's Friday Schmorgasborg Giveaway

Wasting || Time, I always feel like I'm wasting time.

Wishing || Someone else would come and clean the floors for me today. I just want to hide away in my craft room.

Wondering || If we’ll get everything ready for our upcoming camping trip.

Working || On getting my Pinning with Purpose post ready for Sunday.

So what are you up to today?


  1. Thanks for sharing the link to Elizabeth's powerful message.Your bracelets are lovely all lined up, and I love that Trust necklace! I hope your migraine goes away quickly.

  2. First off, your bracelets are great, especially the 6th one over from the right - love the green/yellow combo going on there! (Very summer!) And the post you directed us to was super as well - made me realize I don't suck at keeping my house clean compared to the photos on her blog (yeah me!), but that it's okay to suck at a ton of other stuff - the list is long, but that's okay!! :-) Hoping you get over your sinus headache - those definitely suck!! Have a good one!! :-)

    1. Shel, Aw thanks! I'm so glad you like the bracelets. I wasn't super sure about them, but they kept me busy for sure. I'm not the best homemaker myself, so the pictures from Elizabeth boosted my spirits also. As for the headache, finally went and saw a doctor today. Hopefully the meds will have it breaking up soon as it's a full-fledged sinus infection. sigh. Just something else on my plate, but I'm feeling better already. Thanks so very much for the concern.

  3. Oh, yes, I love Elizabeth's post! I still feel bad about my house looking a mess, though :) I like the bracelets - it is so difficult to break away from a pattern when you start making something but each of them is different and all are stackable! Good luck with the giveaway! And get better and fit for the camping adventure!


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