Keep Your Head Up and Be True to You

After my Blog in Crisis post and putting some thought into the state of my blog, I realize that I simply cannot make any 'drastic' changes to it in order to gain more followers. I'm happy with my CraftyHope branding (despite my lack of crafty posts from time to time), and there's definitely not going to be any significant changes in who I am personally. I have the same interests, want to talk or take pictures of the same things, and am instinctively a fairly lazy person. As well, I recognize that I'm swimming in an ocean of social media. Blogging used to be in its own little world of social media but along came MySpace and Facebook, then the micro-blogging that is Twitter, the visual blogging that is Instagram, and the blog saving/sharing that is Pinterest, along with a sea of other social media platforms. So what if my cries to 'look at me' aren't heard above the waves, I'm not drowning. . .my head is still above the water. I just need to maybe learn a few new tricks, incorporate something fantastic into my routine. What that is, I have no clue. But I have ideas. You've already witnessed some of them, and that's a starting point isn't it?

For a little bit of refreshment from that topic, here's two of my nieces and Pat keeping their heads above the water in the Gulf.

 Isn't that lovely?


  1. I'm finally catching up on some of my 'blog reading' this weekend and have had three of your posts marked to comment (thankfully I'm getting around to them now!). I love this post because, just like the other two posts I commented on here, it strikes a cord. All the social media do-da started overwhelming me this year and I felt guilty for taking a step back due to other work obligations I had w/the business I run w/my hubby. But in truth, it has saved me. Although I still interject and participate a little here and there, disconnecting a bit from a lot of the social media gaggle has freed my mind and heart a bit and I no longer feel the anxiety to 'keep my head above the social waters'. And honestly, I'm happier w/myself and where I'm at both personally and professionally. Thanks for a great post!!

    1. Shel, I too feel like there's just too much and I'm always spreading myself too thin. I've tried to go through my twitter, blog rolls, and instagram accounts and 'unfollow' a lot that either don't mean much to me or despite my best efforts to get in on their conversation) just don't follow me back. It's been a relief for sure, but there's still lots of downsizing to do. I'm so glad it's been working for you too. I definitely crave some of the freedom you feel. Thanks.

  2. Friend, I'm GLAD you're staying true to your heart- I like your blog just as it is. Stick with only that which you love & what works for you and the rest, well .... "let it go......"

    1. Ha! Thanks so much Tammie. There's only so much one gal can do! I really appreciate your encouragement and support! :)

  3. Hi Hope,
    Follow your heart in everything you do and don't change a thing if it is what makes you comfortable. I enjoy you blog just the way it has always been. I to have stepped back from blogging that much and it seems that for the past year and a half all I have blogged is when I have a challenge reveal oh well. My life away from the internet is more important. Enjoy life Hope and do things your way.


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