Summer Days & Nights Blog Hop and reveal of Creative Spark Summer 2014

Smack in the middle of May I showed off what my fun ingredients were for ZnetShows latest challenge. We were given the task of making at least one casual piece and one dressy piece for this Summer Days & Nights Challenge. As well, the designs were to be revealed in the newest issue of Creative Spark, the Summer 2014 issue. First, let me remind you of the luscious sea glass I received.

I'll admit right off that I had a hard time with the challenge. The additional sea glass bead colors I was sent threw me for a loop. However, I knew when I selected my colors that I would want the smoky quartz for the nighttime piece. It took some playing with the bottle-curved diamond pendants and moving them around on my desk before I came up with an idea.
I coated the 'back' (convex) sides of three of the diamonds with silver leaf and sealed them. They are a little ragged and torn, but I like the touch of rustic imperfection to them. In addition, I hung some faceted black glass beads from the same chain as in the necklace to add just a touch more sparkle and shine to the matte glass. I think they're just right for a dressy occasion.

From there it was on to the rest of the beads I was sent and the amber hues that seemed to really challenge me. Finally I just mixed all the beads together on my table and an idea began to formulate of making a long necklace on knotted waxed linen cord. I even started on the necklace, but ended up cutting the whole thing apart because it just wasn't working for me. After moving the beads and the chocolate brown waxed linen around a little more, I was struck with inspiration.
I made a kumihimo rope with the waxed linen cord for the length of the necklace. As for the pendant and clasp, I knotted a few of the cultured sea glass pieces together including the desert and turquoise bay fancy rings, the opaque blue opal thin rondelles, and the amber teardrop to make a pendant. On the other side of the rope, I attached the light sapphire hour glass bead as  a toggle. With the rings on either end of the pendant, this necklace is convertible.
I will admit that this was indeed a challenge for me because of the mix of colors I received. However, I always enjoy this type of learning opportunity as it allows me to think outside my own little creative box. As well, I think the necklaces I made are pretty cool. The sea glass from ZnetShows definitely lends itself to summer designs and is a lot of fun to use in designs. As well, there is such a huge variety of colors and shapes that there's a little something for everyone!

Anyway, both of the pieces I made appear in Creative Spark Summer 2014
Creative Spark Summer 2014

Make sure you check out this newest issue as well as the blog hop going on over at the ZnetShows blog to celebrate this reveal.
Tammie Everly of TTE Designs

Thanks so much for swinging by! Now that this issue is out, I'm hoping to get back to regular life and posting. We'll see how that works out for me. 


  1. Nice job Hope, I think the struggles in art are when the nicest things occur. Plus we appreciate it much more because of the effort that went into it. I really like what you created. :-D

    1. Tammie - Thanks so much for your kind words. I really like what I put together, but I think I just made it hard n myself because I was surprised by the colors they sent me. It came together in the end though! ;)

  2. Your first piece is so creative. I love how you coated the glass and hung chain. Wonderful ideas!

    1. Kathy - Thank you! I have a hard time not altering pieces and I feel guilty about it in some respects. I am glad that you like what I did to it though. That's a bit of relief! :) Thanks again!!

  3. Both of your pieces are great! I love the rustic drama of the night time necklace. Great idea to use the silver leaf! I also love the daytime necklace. The kumihimo was a great idea because it looks fantastic. And I'm loving all the barbells I'm seeing used as toggles or in some other way on their sides.

    1. Ann - Aw, thanks! I was so worried that those two pieces just didn't translate well. Aren't those hour glass beads cool? I've still got a bunch of them to play with and can't wait to work them into other designs. I hope you enjoy the magazine and the hop!

  4. Hi Hope,
    Your pieces are gorgeous! I love the night time necklace and I never would have thought to put silver leaf on the back of the glass pendants awesome idea. I love the design of your day time necklace versatility is the key.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well how you had time to create while you were responsible for the entire magazine is beyond me. But I love your use of the sea glass with fibers. I must admit I can't figure out how to put the picture of the magazine in my blog so that it links directly to it underneath. Thanks again for creating and allowing me to participate.

    1. Andrea, - Aw thanks. I made sure to get my designs done early before everything else exploded so that was a good choice. As for embedding the magazine, you have to do it in the code of your blog. Since you have your own website and I am unfamiliar with how it's laid out, I'm afraid I can't offer any advise on getting it in there. If you have the link, that should be just fine. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  7. Love the dramatic monochromatic tones of the that necklace. Very cool.... ;) Can't wait for the next challenge, Hope! WHEEEE!

  8. I always love seeing your designs. The night time set is so simple and dramatic. Perfect for a hot summer evening. The daytime set is perfect for a day at the beach and I love the fact that it is convertible.

  9. Just beautiful...each piece is very unique, and your necklace thats versatile..that is a great idea!

    1. Christina - Aw, thank you! I really like the idea of the convertible necklace and might try to work it into some other pieces/ideas. The rings are perfect for that. :) Thanks for popping in!

  10. I love mixing fiber and beads, so I would have to say my favorite design is the knotted cord necklace.

  11. Great minds think alike! The hour glass shapes really do make great toggles, don't they? And I'm really intrigued with the way you modified the convex diamonds -very cool!

  12. You've done such a great job with the Creative Spark magazine, Hope. Thank you. Haven't tackled kumihimo yet, but your design is perfect for it. I love how your work is always out of the box and so stunning. Christie

  13. really love the colors you have in your stash! that brown is just yummy. And love how you did a silver leaf to the backs of those beads - really cool! loving the designs as always ... and thanks for including me in yet another wonderful sea glass hop! love these beads :)

  14. Hope, that sure was a challenging mix but you definitely rose to the challenge! I love those little hour glass shapes! They are too cool! I also like those diamond shapes and what you did with them. Clever girl!

    1. Lee - Thanks so much! I do enjoy altering items so I couldn't resist adding the silver foil. Just adding it on the back allowed the matte cultured sea glass to keep its same feel too.

  15. You are just so awesome Hope. Wow! I just flipped through all 125 pages of Creative Spark. You put that whole thing together? It's fabulous! I got a lot of ideas for things I can use as backgrounds for my photos. So much creativity out there. I love it.
    I hope to see you at the next blog meet up. Oh and thanks for following my Etsy store. No sales yet but at least people are looking and I'm getting more comfortable with the site.

  16. Wow! The evening piece knocks it out of the park. Wow! The other piece is definitely daytime to me. What contrast between the two. Wow!

    1. Chris - Aw thanks! I definitely was going for that contrast so there was no confusion which was which. I'm glad I totally sold it! :) Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it.

  17. Awesome!! Love them both - especially the first one because it's just so unique and fun with great shapes!

  18. Shel - Thank you! That means so much to me! I really liked the way those diamond shapes could stack together and tried to get that to carry through on the chain. I do hope it translates. I'm pleased you like it :)

  19. I love the vintage look you got with the silver leaf. Very clever.

  20. I am having so many "aha" moments while blog hopping...I never would have thought of altering the beads with silver leaf! Such a beautiful effect, and one that I shall be trying on my own, sooner or later. Wonderful pieces, Hope!

  21. Hi Hope, The silver leaf on the diamonds is very cool. The versatility in the second piece is great. I want to thank you for all of the hard work that you do on "Creative Spark". You are doing a wonderful job producing it.

    1. Becky - Thanks so much for your sweet words and encouragement. I appreciate it so much!

  22. I love your color combination, and especially the kumihimo rope necklace, just enough color without being overwhelming. And I love that you made it with a convertible length option...I'm a no commitment kind of jewelry wearer myself, I like anything I can wear long, short, or bracelet, lol.

  23. Not an easy job to create a dressy piece from sea glass, I think I'd associate it with everyday summer fun :) So the silver lining did the job and there you have an elegant formal piece. I admire your imagination for the second necklace, especially the way you made the clasp :) And this reminded me I have a short kumihimo rope I made with a self-made disc for the sake of the experiment and it's high time to put it to good use :)

  24. Hope, your necklaces are beautiful! Using silver leaf and making a convertible necklace is very creative - love them both! Thank you for all of your hard work on the magazine - you rock!

  25. Hope - your necklaces are awesome. You did a fabulous job on the magazine, as usual!


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