Monday's Usual: Menu, Recipe Review, and Shop News

I'm so proud of myself for making just about everything on last week's menu! I will admit that breakfasts hardly ever seems to come together for me. Mornings and I don't get along and my stomach takes way more time to wake up than the rest of my body. It's usually just about lunchtime before I'm hungry. As such, I often leave the hubby to fend for himself in the morning. It's a dang shame. I'm working on it though. This week's menu gave me fits over what to plan for lunch. I've had the same several items on the lunch plan for a while now. I'm just having a hard time finding vegetarian or low meat lunch items that we'll BOTH eat and that are pretty easy to throw together. If you've got any suggestions, please PLEASE let me know! And, please don't say salad. Moving on, here's the plan for this week.

Breakfasts: Oatmeal/Cheese grits, Juice, Raspberry Blueberry Banana muffins, Cereal w/fruit, Homemade egg and cheese breakfast 'McMuffin'
Raspberry Blueberry Banana Muffins from Finding Joy in My Kitchen
Lunches: Tuna noodles, Soup w/grilled cheese, Chicken salad roll-up, English muffin pizzas, PB&J, Leftovers, Cheese quesidillas w/salsa

Spicy Peanut Butter Tofu from Kalyn's Kitchen
Spicy peanut butter tofu w/sugar snap peas & rice
Easy Chili (made with soy crumbles) w/rice
Fajitas & Margaritas (homemade)
Pan seared shrimp w/Honey Balsamic carrots & red potatoes
Pasta and white beans with garlic rosemary oil from Smitten Kitchen
 I'll be linking up my menu at I'm an Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

Recipe Review

Simple sesame noodles: Yeah, as expected these were super yummy and super simple to make. The hardest part was chopping the garlic. Actually, the hardest part was trying to STOP eating them. I will absolutely be making this recipe again!

Broccoli quiche: Pat had me put this menu item off and off. He said he wasn't a big fan of quiche. However, when I was finally able to sneak this in on the night in question, he ate it up and reported that it was better than the other quiches I had made. Basically, he liked it. WIN! I'll probably make this again.

Baked ravioli: I halved the recipe since it was just the two of us and it was plenty with leftovers to spare. This was super easy to make and was pretty tasty. I will likely make it again.

Coffee cake muffins: As mentioned above, I'm not a morning person, so getting up to bake from scratch isn't always do-able. However, these came together so very quickly. I used wheat flour (since the recipe didn't specify what kind of flour) and I used coconut oil (since it didn't specify a type of oil either) and both of those seemed like healthier options. We really liked these. I could have even done without the chocolate chips. I did end up with an excess of the sugar topping and am thinking that I might sprinkle a little on the bottom of the cup next time as well. This made 8 cupcakes for me. I will most likely make these again.

Pork chops with creamy mushrooms and dill: I've made this many times in the past and really love this recipe. It was tasty as always, and I will definitely be making it again.

Lemony green beans: I was skeptical about this recipe. There was something about boiling (and not steaming or roasting) the green beans that threw me off. However, these beans turned out tender and delicious. It was a really simple recipe too. I will for sure make them again.

Shop News
On sale!
Fabric Bead Earrings - 30% off
Button Fringe Necklace - 15% off

Now, I'm serious about those lunch suggestions. If you've got any ideas, I'm still looking for some. Thanks!


  1. I don't have any lunch suggestions since my lunch is either leftovers or a tv dinner. However for breakfast... I am so not a morning person either so what I do when I feel like scones or muffins is make them the night before. If you lay a damp paper towel on them and microwave them for 15 seconds, they will taste fresh baked. This is also a great way to revive baked goods that starting to get stale.

  2. Oh yummy! I love the tofu recipe and I'll definitely be trying this one. I always end up grating my tofu to make patties or a veggetarian chilli and it's gotten a bit boring. Thanks for this one.
    As for recipe suggestions, Joy the baker has some great recipes. I'm loving this latest one:

    1. Ana, We had the tofu last night and it was yummy. I haven't made patties with tofu yet. . .hmmmmm, I may have to look for some recipes for that. I have crumbled it to put on a pizza before though. Thanks for the food blog suggestion. I'm always looking for more yummy blogs to follow. I wish I could have that tart. . .hubby's not big on tomatoes though (DARN!) Thanks again though! :)

  3. Hello! I seriously need to visit your blog before cooking for inspiration! :-) I'd love to try the muffins. And that tofu looks yummy. We love trying different tofu recipes but unfortunately one of my sons is allergic to peanuts.


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