Focusing on Life Week 34

Add Something. . .
Our photo task this week from Sally was to simply add something to a photo with any editing program or app we desired. I've been playing around with the A Beautiful Mess app for a little while, but really haven't done much with it. As well, the photo I chose had already been altered in Instagram with a filter and some resizing. (I'm CraftyHope in Instagram if you want to follow me.) After all that editing and addition of the things, this was the product.

Pat and I took the nieces to the beach a few weekends back. This is the the three of them (Pat and the girls) out in the water as he was teaching them to boogie board. It was a really great day.

Feel free to link up here and/or just check out what everyone else added!


  1. Yep the beach and the ocean are my happy place too!

  2. You look like a happy mer-family :)
    Wonderful photo!!
    Have a great week :)

  3. Replies
    1. Patty- It's a lovely one at that! Thanks so much for swinging by!

  4. Yes, this would be my happy place as well! Love this shot and your editing is fabulous! Really nice!

    1. Shel- Aw, thanks!! I loved this photo when I took it and it's been so overcast and ugly lately that I wanted some sunshine and waves in my weekend. I'm so pleased you like it too! Thank you!!

  5. Looks like fun! Your photo reminds me of a vintage photo!!!

  6. Replies
    1. Mary- Thank you so much! It means s lot to me that you took the time to drop by.

  7. oh so beach boys! very nice to hang out for the summer :)

    1. Cynthia- It was one of the few beautiful days we've had all summer. It's pretty much rained the rest of the time. I'm glad we were able to get the nieces out there on a pretty day. I'm glad you like it too.

  8. Replies
    1. Janet- Thank you so very much!! I hope to get back down there soon while it's still warm.

  9. What a great image, I love the effect.

  10. Great filter on the shot! I love instagram also. Looks like fun was had by all.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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