Earrings Galore

Yesterday, you got a sneak peek at the earrings I worked on last week. I thought I'd show them off a little more today. Please note that this isn't all of them for a couple of reasons; the others are either rather simple or I need to save them for a reveal. Here's a better look at the rest!
This one didn't start out from the pile of pairs I had gathered. Instead, it came straight out of my sketchbook.

It's simply moonstone and brass. Lovely.

I had a bit of a theme going for the majority of the earrings pairs I made. Here you can see it was wrapping rings, one in wire and the other in some waxed linen.

There was also a flower theme. The top row uses some vintage Lucite from my stash, and the bottom flowers are glass. Also, please note that the upper left one has button flowers dangling from it. That's important.

You see, buttons was another theme incorporated into these earrings.

Those alligators at the top are also buttons. However, the theme of this shot is washers. The copper washers up top were textured and aged and the bottom steel ones were altered with some Vintaj Patinas and a stamp. That's the last of the themes, but not the last of the earrings. Oh no. . .

These just have a fun, funky shape that remind me of a clown for some reason. The top three violet beads on each of these are from MyElements.

Next up are my favorites. I just had to show these off.

I've had those purple and white triangular beads FOREVER and just never knew what to do with them. I was down to my last pair of them so they ended up on my desk this past week. As I looked at them, I suddenly saw sails and HAD to make them into sailboats. I was absolutely giddy when these came together so perfectly. The piece on the bottom is some cultured sea glass from ZnetShows.

I don't know what it is about these earrings that appeals to me so. Perhaps it really is their simplicity. I actually only bought two of these beads with the full intention of making them into earrings someday. Their time had come. Once the wire frame was shaped around them, I kept fiddling trying to add something else to them. It finally hit me to KISS them (Keep It Simple, Stupid). I'm glad I did.

These bone beads were another pair I bought specifically to make into earrings. However, I just kept moving them around my desk. Nothing seemed perfect for them. As I sat up in bed the last night of our vacation, I was struck with the idea of putting them in a birdcage of sorts. Since I was browsing the internet on my iPad anyway, I did some research on how to do it and found very little except this Basket Case tutorial from WireWorkers Guild. I awoke the next morning ready to get to it. I know my take on the encasing is different, but I love the imperfections. This quote sums them up for me.

Yeah, that quote pretty much sums me up too!


  1. Those last two pairs are especially gorgeous! Love the dark background, too. Looks like something in a high-end boutique.

  2. Really love the sailboats! They did come together perfectly!! I also love the last pair, the cages.

    1. Shellie- Aren't those sailboats the cutest!? Oh, I mean. . .thank you! ;) And, the cages really please me the most. I'm going to have to cage up some other beads now too I think. Anyway, thanks so much.

  3. Those are fantastic! Love the moonstone one especially!

  4. You were a busy girl! Loving those moonstone dangles :-D

    1. Tammie- I do try to stay busy, even if I am on vacation. I'm rather fidgety.
      I'm not sure if it was moonstone that I had in mind when I sketched that design out, but it worked perfectly, didn't it? Thanks for popping in!

  5. Wow, you've got a lot of beautiful earrings here! I love the various designs and beads. They are all so lovley I don't think I could pick a favorite.

  6. so much to love in this post (yes, i am back to using the word love even though, as we discussed, i was trying not to)! The moonstone & brass, the flower & buttons, but those last 2 sets of earrings~oh my oh my oh my! the beauty of the KISS pair and the cool industrial archaeological vibe of the last pair are fantastic! the quote is too :-)

  7. I'm absolutely smitten with the sail boats :-) and I know that feeling when feeling stumped for so long on what to do with a particulary gorgeous bead and every design you come up with dulls it everything just clicks.
    Love the moonstone earrings too, very mysterious and elegant :-)

    1. Ana, I'm so glad you like them too. I think they're just too cute and may have a hard time listing them because of it. I was kinda hating the triangular shape of the beads actually (though I loved the stripes and the color) and had sworn off buying anymore of that shape because I didn't know what to do with them, but now I want MORE to make more sailboats. Crazy right!? Ha.


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