Monday Morning Meanderings

I've got several topics I want to touch on this morning. As such, I have headers for each of them.

This is the green goddess, it's MUCH more tasty than it looks!

Let me start this post by admitting our juice-fast fail. Pat and I jumped into the fast without any preparation. By the end of the day yesterday, I was fantasizing about food. So, we broke down and had a small meal. We're back on the juice this morning and plan to juice for lunch, but then we'll eat some dinner this evening. I think it's less of a shock to our systems while still getting all those fabulous nutrients from the fruits and vegetables.

I did post my Crafter's Devotional post on Saturday, but because of a misunderstanding I took it down. I think everything is sorted out now so I have it back up in case you missed it. There were only three of us from the group that ended up posting on Saturday. I've got the whole list on the post, but you can see the actual list of the three of us on Elisabeth's blog if you are interested.

Since we're going to attempt to juice today and tomorrow, it was difficult to think about food and make the menu. However, I did make it through the planning and will wait to grocery shop later in the week. Here's the meal plan as it stands now.

Breakfasts: Juice; peanut butter toast w/fruit; cereal/oatmeal w/fruit; yogurt w/granola & fruit; eggs w/bacon, toast, & fruit; freezer breakfast (waffles, pancakes, and/or smoothies)

Lunches: Juice, pita pizzas w/salad, tuna noodles w/fruit, chicken salad and veggie wrap, turkey sandwiches w/fruit, chicken Caesar salad w/sun-dried tomatoes

Pork loin (from freezer) w/mashed potatoes (from freezer) & green beans
Spicy chicken tortillas soup (from freezer)
Easy marinated chicken skewers w/stir fry veggies & brown rice
Crispy panko crusted fish w/sweet potato & broccoli

I put several items on sell in the shop this morning then put the first ever ring in the shop.
Brass Dots Button Ring

That's probably enough meandering for one day. I've really got to finish and photograph my Bead Soup pieces today for the reveal on Saturday. I'm so excited! Of course, I could just be juiced up. . .hahahahaha! I'm a dork, sorry!


  1. I commend you for trying the juice diet, but wow I don't think I could down that green stuff no matter how good you say it tastes! Plus, I know I would not get full with a juice diet.

    Thanks so much for the recipies, especially for the short ribs. We purchased a half beef a few months ago and were looking for some good recipies for the short ribs. These look both yummy and easy--which I definately like.

    Happy Monday!

  2. I'm visiting from Organizing Junkie today. Happy MPM.
    Short ribs sound so good right now!


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