Bead Soup Teaser

With the Third reveal of the Bead Soup Blog Party only a few days away, I figured I ought to give you a little teaser shot of what I made for it.

I didn't want to reveal too much, so I hope I've blurred it just enough to give you a taste of my soup!

Don't forget to come back by on Saturday to see all the goodies un-blurred!

Until then, here's a new, bright bracelet in the shop. No blurriness here.
Solid Strips Bracelet

Oh, and my Bead Soup post should be up by 12am Central time on Saturday. . .you know, just in case you're as anxious to get started hopping as I am!


  1. Love the bracelet - it just vibrates with its Crayola-like colors. I will definitely be clicking over here Saturday morning!

  2. Backstory- Yes. . .that bracelet was just one of those things that I HAD to make. I was inspired by something I saw and it suddenly sprang into being. Thanks for stopping in and I hope you like what you see on Saturday!! :)

  3. Oh Hope, I blew and blew on the soup but it was just so hot that the steam would not go away to see, so I will come back on Saturday when it has had a chance to cool off enough to see all of it's beauty.
    Love the bracelet!

  4. I've got my BSBP post done and scheduled to post at midnight. I'll be gone all day so I won't get started hopping until late.

    I love that bracelet, and how you photographed it! Fabulous!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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