Post-Vacation Link-a-palooza

I recognize that I should be sharing some vacation photos and stories with you, but I'm not sure either are fit for the internet. Besides that, I haven't worked up the momentum yet to upload all the pictures. On the other hand, I have made it into the craft room in little spurts when I haven't been trying to get the house back in order. Oh sigh. Why does it seem like there's so much more work before and after a vacation than any other time??
Just a peek at what's on my craft desk at the moment

I really should be working on my Bead Soup piece(s), but I'm trying to get the creative juices flowing before I dive into that pool. Don't forget that the second reveal of the Bead Soup Blog Party is tomorrow. I suggest you hit up hostess Lori Anderson's Pretty Things blog to get the ball rolling. There will probably be plenty of posts up around midnight Eastern US time.

While I've got you here, let me go ahead with some links so this feels more like a real post.

As soon as I returned from vacation, I did put a few items ON SALE in the Etsy shop. In addition, I added these new earrings in there.
Gathering Flowers Earrings
I hope you found something cool in the links today and hope to be back in the next day or two with something more than links, but we'll see how busy the Bead Soup Blog Party keeps me before I make any promises!


  1. Thank you for the informative links! Your little Gathering Flowers earrings are adorable!

  2. Your blog is so rich with so many information...good info, I'm like a girl in a candy store... pretty earring in your store, important links to check out and all these give aways! I got to come back again. For now I want to tell you - thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving me a precious comment. Dita

  3. Ooh, are those beads part of your reveal pieces for the BSBP? Can't wait to see what you make. Thanks for commenting on my post - I really appreciate it.

  4. Dita- I'm so glad you like the I've got here and do hope you visit again. You are quite welcome as well. :)

    Adlinah- Actually, they are NOT part of my Bead Soup, just some pieces I was/am using to get the creative juices flowing before I try to make my bead soup piece(s). You're welcome and THANK YOU for stopping by also.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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