Giveaways from the Bead Soup Second Reveal

I've finally finished going through all the Bead Soup Blogs for the second reveal and am not sure if I'm relieved or nervous about being in the third reveal. These first two reveals have been phenomenal and I hope I don't disappoint. I know that seeing these first two has definitely inspired me and pushed me to think outside the box a little more. I guess we'll see how that works for me in a little less than two weeks! Eek!
Dragon Eye Earrings - new in shop

**Giveaway alert **
I did find a few giveaways in this second reveal, so I figured I'd share them with you like I did last time. Here goes:

I've whittled away most of the day on Bead Soup posts and am inspired to hop back into the midst of creating my own. I might even have a giveaway of my own. . .hmmmm. Tempting, tempting. I guess you'll have to make sure to hop by on August 25th and find out.


  1. Looking forward to the next one. This is really cool, because you can finish the hop in a few days, and then it's only a few days til the next reveal!
    Get busy girl! :)

  2. It's so nice when people do giveaways of their soups and whatnot.

    Just adds to the fabulousness of the party :)

    I totally understand what you mean though-I was SO intimidated when the first reveal came around.

    I'm sure you'll do beautifully!

  3. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment on my 2nd reveal BSBP! I will definitely pop back and see what you have up your sleeve for the third reveal!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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