Link. . .needs a name. . .day

I've really sucked at posting here the past two weeks or so. Now that I'm sure Jury Duty is over, I can resume a routine again I hope.

A few weeks back I mentioned starting to do a link dump about every week. I got a few suggestions from y'all as to what to call it other than link DUMP, but I haven't pinned down just the right name yet. For now, let's just say I'm sharing some links again.

Part 1
Since I really like doing collage, I'm always on the lookout for free printable images to use. Here are a few sites that I've found that offer free images.
  • Graphics Fairy: I actually subscribe to this site in my feed reader as she puts up an image or two everyday. With it in my reader, I can make sure I don't miss any new images.
  • Vintage Holiday Crafts: These are neat vintage images that are holiday themed/related.
  • Magic Moonlight Studio: This one offers up a variety of cool images/photographs every few days or so.
  • Dover Publications: You may have seen Dover's great books of images for sale before. You can actually sign up on their site (clicking my link will take to to that page) to get an e-mail from them each Wednesday. In the e-mail is a link to their free images for the week. It's called the Dover Wednesday Sampler.
Please note that with these "free images" there are often some restrictions on how they can be used. I know that Dover doesn't like you to use their images more than a certain number of times. As well, some sites prefer that you don't use their images in items you plan on selling. Just make sure you check out their terms of use.

Part 2
I'm just going to share one more link with you today. As I said two weeks ago, I've been saving some of these links for a good long time. This one is from October of 2010. . .so far behind, GAH!! Back then Kristen Robinson shared a video about adding texture to resin. I've FINALLY gone back and watched it. She shares a a pretty neat trick so I figured you might want to see it as well in case you  missed it.

Of course, I've got a few new items in the shop if you're still itching to click on some links!!
Sweet Flower Necklace
Fabric Bead Earrings

So that's it for today! Here's hoping you have a magical Friday and a wondrous weekend!! And if you've got any more suggestions for what to name this link dump/share thing, I'd love to hear them.


  1. Let's get thing thing named, Hope! link link....other words for links...shortcuts? offshoots? Art Bead Scene does one and they call it a link could call it a trove or a, that sounds medical. I think I said Link-a-palooza before, but apparently you didn't like that, so Link-o-rama and Link-a-thon are probably out, too. Abraham Have I helped yet?

    I tried.

    Once I'm allowed to get out of my sick cave and have a life again I want to hold a challenge that will include some collaging.I hope you'll participate :)

  2. Hi Hope,
    Thank you for sharing the links. I love, love, love the Sweet Flower necklace it is very pretty. The earrings are very pretty also.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Jenna- You suggested Linkstravaganza before. It's kinda funny that you said Link-a-palooza this time though as THAT's the name that keeps coming back to me. You have helped. I just don't want to name this thing and then hate the name. I'm weird like that. THANK YOU though!

    Oooohhh. Collaging. Yes please!! I've just got to catch up on my blog reading AGAIN so I don't miss it. Here's hoping you get better soon!

  4. I like Link-a-palooza!

    Thanks for sharing these links with us! You've inspired me to do my own link... thing. I just have to stop hoarding links and start sharing. ;)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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