Button Swap Blog Hop - The Reveal

Welcome to the Button Swap Reveal. This challenge is hosted by the awesome Cindy Wimmer of Sweet Bead Studio.

As much as I love buttons, you would think that a challenge involving a button swap would be a breeze for me. This wasn't entirely the case this time around. Let me start by reminding you of the buttons I received from my partner Brenda Salzano.

I was smitten with each and every one of the buttons she sent.Here's a link to the buttons I sent her.

I started with the handmade wood button from Brenda. The earthiness of it really spoke to my hippie-self which wanted something super simple.
It quickly became a basic knotted bracelet with some leather cord. The wood button is both the focal and closure of the bracelet.
It's lightweight and really lovely.

Next, I turned to the large clear-ish button. It plainly said that it wanted to be a ring. With only slight difficulty, I snipped off and filed down the shank loop on the back. With E6000 glue and a brass ring blank, that button quickly got its wish.

The vintage enameled button was so sweet and feminine, I knew she (yes...she's a she!) just needed a few touches. With some coordinating beads and antiqued brass chain, she was quickly transformed into the focal of this pretty little necklace.

One button remained, and I hit a brick wall. I saved my FAVORITE button of the bunch for last, but absolutely struggled to come up with something that was suitable for its awesomeness. I have several ideas and some beads gathered, but just can't decide on the best way to proceed. The challenge was to make at least one item from one of the buttons our partner sent us, so I accomplished that at least. When I finally make up my mind on what will work best with this amazing button, you better bet you'll see it here on the blog.
I do apologize to Brenda for not making anything yet with this beautiful button. However, I want to make sure that whatever I design with this little piece of art really compliments it and isn't just thrown together. I simply ran out of time.

Now, a big THANK YOU to Cindy for organizing this Button Swap. I really had a lot of fun working with buttons that were new to me. Please make sure to visit Brenda (my partner) as well as Cindy to see what they created! Here's the list of the rest of the participants as well.

 Brenda Salzano and Hope Smitherman (YOU ARE HERE)
 Kim Roberts and Partner unable to participate at this time.
Pam Ferarri and Stefanie Teufel (will share their reveal on a later date)
Stefanie Teufel and Pam Ferarri (will share their reveal on a later date)

THANKS so very much for hopping by!!


  1. I think my favorite is the ring. great ways to use your buttons

  2. Those are all very beautiful designs and showing the chosen button in a gorgeous way !! Would love to wear them all :)

  3. Well, from the blogs I've visited so far, we're all button nuts! We've all had challenges, because we had to listen to the buttons tell us what they wanted! :) I think you listened well. You made a wonderful group of pieces, all so very different, all so lovely. I know it was the simplest, but I just love that wooden button bracelet.
    Have a great Mother's Day!

  4. Those are AWESOME! The bracelet is a perfect design for summer casual, then there is that ring ... how great is that! love what you did with it. But then the necklace I think is my favorite - I'm a sucker for vintage and you've got it in spades here. Love them all, and can't wait to see what you do with the last one.

  5. I love the necklace you made with the enameled button! The bracelet looks very fun and would be great to wear with jeans! Can't wait to see what you create with the other two buttons.

    Enjoy your day!

  6. What gorgeous buttons you received from Sally! I love each of the pieces you made, and can't wait to see what you make with that darling house button!

  7. YOu made some great pieces with your buttons! something fantastic will hit you to do with that cute house button! sometimes our favorite pieces are the hardest to use.

  8. Hope your creations are totally awesome. I LOVE the earthy wood bracelet, very "my style" too. Then the necklace and ring are excellently Created. The vintage ring looks almost mystical. Can not wait to see what you do with the ceramic house button. No worries, it will come to you when the idea is right. I again thank you hope for all the buttons you sent me. I am still waiting for time to put my puzzle together too . LOL

  9. My favourite piece is the first one, very simple yet eye catching! The house button is adorable!

  10. Thoughtfulhands- Thanks so much! Yes, that ring is going to be a blast to wear! Thank you for coming by!

    AntiquityTravelers- I'm so very pleased that you like each of the pieces I made. I'm anxious to come up with a design for that last button, but don't want to rush it. Thank you! :)

    BahamaDawn- Thanks! I'm sure something will come to me for the house button after I see all the other great button inspiration that's sure to be available in this hop!

    Brenda- It makes me so happy to know that you appreciate what I created with the buttons you sent! I know that little house will speak to me soon, but I didn't want to rush it to try to be something it wasn't. I hope you understand. Thanks again for being an awesome swap partner!

    Nicole- I'm quite pleased with that bracelet as well. I'm glad you like it too! Enjoy the blog hop and thank you for coming by!

  11. I knew you would do a fab job :-) cant wait to see what u make with the house

  12. Seriously Hope we were separated st birth! I too couldn't find the best way to use my FAVRiTE button!!! Love what you did these are all so you!

  13. Hope, you are amazing, designing with all of your buttons! I had to smile when I saw you created a ring - I couldn't resist either. I think buttons are the perfect little focal for a ring. The leather and button bracelet has a beautiful, Bohemian look to it and will be perfect to wear all summer! And the necklace is my favorite - just love the design - has a romantic feel to it. I can see how you would be stumped with the house button. It is just so adorable and has so much potential... I have a house focal that I haven't known what to do with yet either. I'm sure you'll design something amazing with it in due time!

  14. Your pieces are all so unique and lovely!! I love the enamel button necklace and will stop back when you make something with the cute house button!

  15. I think you did a wonderful job giving each lovely button its own special use! And I understand about the wonderful yellow house one - it's so pretty - needs just the right idea, which will take time to find!

  16. I absolutely adore that vintage enamel button (and necklace) -- totally my style!

  17. All nice pieces. I really like the necklace with the enameled vintage button. And I love that little house button. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  18. I love all of your designs, but my favorite is the bracelet. Very nice!

  19. I really like the leather and wood button. This is the kind of bracelet I would mix with others and wear all the time. A ring was great idea and your necklace is very pretty. I think I would have struggled with the house too. It's so cute, I can understand wanting to do it justice!

  20. What awesome buttons you received, Hope! And I love what you did with them! That necklace speaks to me, boho chic with a vintage flair. Awesome!

    Thanks for your lovely comment about my button creations, too. I appreciate your taking the time to visit my blog!

  21. Hope - I'm loving all of these!! Especially the first bracelet with the wooden bead - it's simple but truly striking. I love it!!

  22. The vintage enameled button is stunning! I love how you kept your necklace design simple in order to showcase the button. Fabulous!

  23. I too love the ring. I have several buttons that are screaming for the same thing. Such inspiration! I too am a thrift store junky. As is my husband. At least twice a month or more we go thrift store hopping. Thanks!

  24. Hope, you received just incredible buttons! That house is super sweet, and I can't wait to see what you come up with for it :) And I love the pieces you've already created - the necklace is just lovely, and that first bracelet is my "everyday" style! :)

  25. Cindy- Yes, the ring was a must. Buttons do lend themselves perfectly to being a ring. It was unusual how quickly all these buttons just sort of transformed into the jewelry pieces they became, but that little house is silent and won't tell me what she wants to be yet. I hope she does soon! Thanks so much for everything!

    Christine- Thank you so very much!! I do hope you stop back by. I'm sure something will come to me when I finally stop thinking about it. Of course, there's lots of inspiration in this blog hop that will probably help me formulate an idea! Again, thanks!

    Laurel- I'm so glad you understand. I just want something that will suit it perfectly. I just need some patience (that's tough for me)! I really appreciate you stopping by and being so sweet. Thank you! :)

  26. Diva- Yes, I really lucked up with my button partner. She sent me some beauties! And I really like your description of that necklace. . .I'll have to remember that! Thank YOU so much for stopping by!

    Shel- Aw, thanks so much. That first bracelet is the piece in this set that is really the most 'me'. I'm so pleased that you like it!

    Vera- Aren't buttons just PERFECT for rings!? Good luck with your thrift store adventures. It's great that you have a hubs that joins you on your quests. Mine will at times, but I tend to go ahead and just do them on my own while he's working most of the time. Best of luck on the hunt and thanks so much!

  27. I think you really got your creativity on for this one! That enameled button is so sweet! I love the colors. Very vintage vibe. That house bead makes me think of the Art Bead Scene challenge this month. Maybe inspiration will strike and you can work in a design for that challenge?
    Enjoy the day! Erin

  28. Oh the ring button got my attention right away...love it! Can't wait to see what you do with the house!!

  29. You made three distinctly unique and creative things! Why are you apologizing for not using them all? ( See my post - I haven't finished either of 2!) Love what you did - you suited the personality of each one so well!

  30. Jenny- Aw thanks!! I'm only apologizing because I felt like the handmade house button was the one that NEEDED to have something made for this hop since it was so very special. I'll get to it I'm sure. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and bring a smile to my face! :D

  31. A ring?! Wow! That's cool. Love the necklace! And that bracelet? I think most teenagers, male or female, would love it.

  32. TappingFlamingo- I'm so glad you like that ring. And, you're so right about that bracelet being unisex. I didn't even think about that. Thanks for the insight and for stopping in!!

  33. The vintage enamel button necklace, defintely my favorite! so pretty! this Swap has been so much fun, i love how creative everyone has been!

  34. love that ring, what a great button!

  35. Oooh, a ring!! *runs to look again at her buttons* How very cool...I might have to do that with one of mine :-). Nice work!!

  36. Love what you made! I make a lot of button rings too, so I totally dig your ring! What a perfect button for that! :)

  37. You really lucked out with your buttons. I really love the simplicity of the first bracelet, but all your pieces are amazing.

  38. Kristi- Wasn't it just perfect for it? There wasn't much else that I thought that button would have worked as, but it's shape and size really does make it a perfect button! Thanks for the support!

    Jeannie- Aw, thanks so much. I think I may have gone super simple with my designs for this challenge, but that was the direction these buttons led me in. So, I went with it. I'm so glad you like it! Thank you :)

  39. I love what you did with your buttons...the ring, though...wow...what a great idea!!! It looks as though it has always been a ring!! Great job on all of your projects....

  40. Stacie- I really appreciate that. When something I makes looks like it's always been that way, I consider that a success. So, yay! And, thank you.

  41. wow you did an Awesome Job!!Love them all!!I cant wait to see what you come up with using the house button!!Cat

  42. What gorgeous projects you made!!! I especially love the "she" necklace... I agree that it is completely feminine :)

    And I can't wait to see what you make out of that last one. I know for sure it's going to be special <3

    *~* Julia *~* http://beautifullywhimsical.blogspot.com *~*

  43. Love your style of work - but the ring is my favourite - great job!

  44. I like the idea of a ring. Never thought of that one. I especially like the "she" necklace. It is so pretty.

  45. Julia- Oh, thank you! These pieces really weren't much of my typical style, but I'm always tweaking my style. Hopefully I can find just the right way to use that last button soon!! I appreciate your support!

  46. I totally luv luv ur designs but my fav is your bracelet! What a great & earthy boho chic design! Right up my alley! But really all ur pieces are gorgeouuuuuuuuuus!!!!


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