Boring Bead Table Wednesday

It's Bead Table Wednesday and mine's sooooo not interesting at ALL today. But, please stay and read my post. . .it gets better.
Friend's necklace and bracelet that need some repairs
See what I mean about boring.

I did just (finally) finish a custom bracelet order for a local twitter friend. Last week I showed you it in progress.
Completed teal and purple charm bracelet

I apologize for the crappy picture. I took and edited it on my phone and I promise you it looks better there. My friend LOVES the bracelet and says you can't have it! Sorry.

Anyway, that's what was/is on my craft desk. Check out more in the Bead Table Wednesday Flickr Group.

GIVEAWAY ALERT! I finally finished my Button Swap Blog Hopping and found another giveaway in the bunch. Birgitta at Create with Spirit is giving away several of her own handmade buttons. All you have to do is leave a comment letting her know you're interested in winning the giveaway. Easy Peasy!!

Lastly, I relisted this pretty number.
Bubbles Ascending Necklace

Now to finish at least one of the repairs so I can be that much closer to getting creative! Happy Hump Day y'all!!


  1. Well I'm loving the bracelet - so fun, and the colors are beautiful. As for the bead table, what do you mean boring! I love pearls, in fact that is exactly what is on my table and will be displayed for next weeks BTW! :)

  2. AT- Thank you! I was stricken by the colors my friend wanted for her bracelet as well since they are some of my favorites. I mean no disrespect for the pearls when I call my table boring. The boring part is that I'm just re-stringing some jewelry and not really getting to be creative. I guess I should have clarified. Sorry!

  3. Bracelet is beautiful, love all those colours. Not much going on with my bead table, just a huge big mess with nothing much to show for it. Just some neon pieces (not my favourite colours at my time of life) but according to my "up with all the fashion trends daughter" neon is pretty huge right now.


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