One Crayon Color Hop - Blue

About a month ago Sally at The Studio Sublime suggested another cool blog hop challenge, a monochromatic one. Participants just had to choose a single color from an eight-count box of crayons; red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, or brown. She decided to call it the One Crayon Color Challenge. Our task was to use the single color we had chosen and make a monochromatic design with it.

I chose blue.
This was my first piece and my first idea
I found that it was hard to be PURELY monochromatic because metals don't just come in blue.
I did my best to alter this Vintaj arte metal piece with blue alcohol inks
I was inspired by these earrings I saw on the Vintaj Pintrest board.
And the Sari silks I had just gotten in the mail helped fuel my idea as well!

I knew I couldn't stop with just one necklace on this challenge. After all, blue IS my absolute favoritest color! I decided to try working with some blue beading wire to try to make sure I stayed within the the monochromatic rules of the challenge. In my sketchbook, I had just the idea. However, the beading wire was much harder to manipulate that I had expected. I ended up with this necklace.
It's pretty, but just not what I had envisioned.

From there, I attempted ANOTHER idea from my sketchbook that specifically called for blue beads.
These turned out better than I had dreamed. . .and the idea was actually one I had dreamed.

Finally, I was absolutely, undeniably inspired by the Wrapped, Stacked, and Layered Challenge as hosted by Tracy Statler of Make Bracelets. Each and every blog I visited (and I visited them ALL) in that hop held so much inspiration that I knew I had to make a stack of my own!
My bracelet stack!
I want to break down this stack for you if you can spare just another minute or so.
These bracelets made up most of the bulk of the stack. They were made according to the instruction from Fanciful Devices' Tribal Gypsy Bangle Stack tutorial that I bought as soon as she offered it. You should check it out! She's got her shop on vacation mode right now but definitely check back later to get it from her.

This is a simple memory wire bracelet of seed beads and a basic friendship bracelet I tied.
Here's a new design from me that I am in love with and plan on making tons more!
This is another original design from me. I've been tweaking this design for a few months and just love it.
Lastly, I used a bangle blank from Hobby Lobby and fun beads from Michael's to make this bangle.

So, those are my contributions to BLUE. I can't wait to get hopping and see how everyone else conquered the challenge of working with only one color. . .and especially with some of those harder colors as well. Here's the list of participants!

Hosted by:


Bobbie Rafferty


Rebekah Payne



Rebecca Anderson
**YOU ARE HERE--> Hope Smitherman
Alicia Marinache
Charissa Sloper
Sandi Volpe


Jenny Davies Reazor
Elizabeth Auld


Jennifer Judd Velasquez


Diana Ptaszynski


Birgitta Lejonklou

Thanks for hopping by!!


  1. Fabulous designs Hope, I missed the bracelet challenge but I might just challenge myself and see what I come up with. And your one colour challenge pieces turned out beautifully. Yes I would find it hard to stick with one colour although because green is my favourite I do have rather a large stash of green beads.

  2. Oh, I really love your necklace - and the fact that you altered things to make it work is so perfect! I'm 'blue' too ! I'm really loving your earrings - so cool!! And I'm still on a bracelet kick since Tracy 's challenge and blog hop, too - I think a lot of us are! That one bracelet you have, the one that's 'yours' - it's special - let me tell you!!

  3. Hope! Wow! Your post and pieces just kept getting better and better! I kept thinking, well that is my fav and then I saw the next picture! I love your wrapped earrings and all those stackable bracelets! The button one rocks! Great pieces.

  4. Shel- Thank you! I do wish you could see more of the blue in the first necklace. And, I'm so glad you like the other pieces as well. I had a lot of fun with this challenge and would have kept going making blue jewelry if I didn't have had to stop to get pictures taken and this post up! ;)

  5. Wow Hope -those are all amazing creations -love them all but the bracelet stack is to die for!

  6. Hope, I think I read somewhere in the beginning of this post that designing monochromatic was a challenge! Really, a challenge!! Then you bang out like 20 designs!!! Holy moley, have you been busy and each and every creation is beautiful!!! I'm absolutely smitten with the bracelet stacks!!! WOW!!! Thanks for participating in the hop!!!

  7. That bracelet stack and the earrings are so cool. I'd wear them, and I don't even wear much jewelry!

  8. Bdyoginice2- Thank you so much. I'm really happy with these designs as well. I'm so happy to hear they're wearable also! Thanks for the encouragement! :)

  9. Hope, everything is just gorgeous. You really took "blue" to some new limits. I really like the button bangle piece. As a long-time button collector, I am always drawn to the use of buttons in jewelry. Great job!

  10. Hi Hope,
    I finely got around to your post. Wow, love all of your blue pieces especially your first necklace it is out of this world gorgeous!

  11. Fantastic stuff, Hope. I think the first necklace is my favorite, although I love them all. Can't wait to see lots more of those button bangles. I want a closer view of that one so I can see how you wrapped they stay facing outward or do they have to be arranged. And the bracelets right after that there a zipper in there?

  12. Jean- Why thank you so much! I'm a huge fan of blue and though I did buy some new blue beads for this challenge, I really ended up not using but a few of the new ones. I had more fun just playing with my old stash, especially the buttons! ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Everything is lovely! The bit of blue in the pendant in the first necklace is terrific -- good choice. And the beading wire/crimp necklace is so creative! The bracelet stack -- just hand that right over, m'k?

  14. WOW you've been busy! What an amazing collection of blue! I love the simplicity of the loop necklace, but then again love the stacked bracelets! ok - so I just like it all:) .. really wish I had done the stacked bracelet challenge!

  15. Wow, you made so many fabulous pieces! I have to say I love the bangles the best, though that second to last piece is very intriguing. Blue is my favorite color for jewelry too, and I can't seem to get enough of blue beads.

  16. Jenna- I'm so pleased that you like the blue items I created. I'm thinking about taking a bunch of buttons and wire with me to jury duty next week. But, I'm not sure if I can get away with wire cutters in the courthouse. I guess it can't hurt to try. I might work up a tutorial for those two designs you mentioned. The buttons stay facing outward without ANY kind of movement and yes, there is a zipper included in the other one. Hopefully, I'll get some time to make the tutorials for those soon. . . after jury duty of course! Thanks so much for your kind words and interest!

    AntiquityTravelers- Yeah, I went a little crazy with the blue. I appreciate your kindness. I wish I had done the bracelet challenge too, but in the end I still made a stack. . so go for it!! Thanks again!

  17. Wow! You have been busy! Everything is gorgeous - LOVE the altered metal focal - and your bracelet stacks are fantastic! But, my favorite are the copper earrings that have the tiny wire wrapped blue beads! I bet those are gorgeous when worn! Nice job!

  18. All of those are beautiful, but those bracelets .. wow .. I am in awe. I lover every last one of them. As Sally said, I cannot fathom making that many projects for the challenge. I really like the two bracelets of your own design. They are just wonderful!

  19. Girl, you were busy! Wow, I love everything, especially the stacked bracelets. You're very talented!

  20. So much blue beauty, Hope! I like how you altered the metal to fit the theme. As always, your imagination and inspiration resulted in some great pieces!

  21. Wow, you designed so many blue pieces it's hard to pick a favourite, but I do love those copper and blue earrings, they're stunning!

  22. Oh, my, Hope! This is GORGEOUS! The coral shaped beads necklace is fabulous, I love those beads, and the way you used the silk, and that Vintaj metal charm - charming :)
    The beading wire necklace - another fabulous piece... and I know what you mean about being hard to work with the beading wire, I once attempted a similar design and I gave up, implemented it the 'focal' using wire :)
    The earrings - I just want to steal them... they are simply perfect!
    And the bracelets... oh, dear... you're inspiring me to make some bangles, I love bangles, but I can't seem to be pushed to make them - you might have pushed me :)

  23. I love all the things you made for this hop! Your love for blue really shows! The bracelet stack is fantastic!

  24. Goodness girl, you just stop cranking out lovely piece after lovely piece, could ya? I love them all, but that bracelet stack in particular is yummy!

  25. That stacked bracelet is fantastic...great job on all!

  26. Be still my beading heart! =) All of your designs are beautiful Hope, but those earrings and the stack of bracelets are awesome! I've always loved bracelets, but participating in the wrapped/stacked/layered challenge has confirmed what I always known to be true ... more is definitely better! =)

  27. Patti Van- You are so sweet! I'm so glad you like those designs. I absolutely want to make more of those earrings with other beads and wire now too. You have no idea how long it took me to find some shiny (non-antiqued) copper chain to use in those earrings. But I was determined to find it because those earrings HAD to be made. I think it was worth it! Thanks so much!

    Tracy- Thank you for stopping by and giving me a boost of confidence. I'm pleased you like those earrings as well. They were a little more work than I thought when I started, but I wanted to make sure they were FULL and fun. I think I achieved that! Thanks again!

    Marti- Thank you so very much! I'm totally keeping that stack of bracelets for myself, but can't wait to start work on some more bangle stacks either. Thanks for dropping in!

  28. You have really been hard at work but blue played beautiful for you! I love the coral necklace but those bracelet stacks - oh my, you have now made me want to get that tut as well. very nice wrap earrings too! Good job!

  29. That's quite the collection! You really went all out with this! very nice!

  30. My favorite is without a doubt your dream earrings. They are super cute!

  31. WOW, Hope! You went all out! They are all gorgeous but I love your stack of bracelets!

  32. Awesome work! I'm loving your stack of bracelets.

    There are a lot of great challenges out there, but this color challenge is extra cool. You're right, though -- it's hard to get the metals to match. Good idea with the ink.

  33. Hey! Blue sister!
    So very pretty! Great job!

  34. I have to say this is my favorite entry so far! Am loving everything here...and that button bracelet...beyond cute!

  35. Wow! you have had some serious fun. Love your lue coral necklace with the medallion, reminds me of pirates and the sea. Gorgeous earrings, and the bracelets are fabulous. Such variety. Lovely. Had a great time in Savannah, what a lovelt city... gained a couple of pounds too!

  36. Wow, you were so busy! I think my favourites are the bangles - so many different gorgeous shades of blue and so many different textures!

  37. Great job, love the stacked bracelets, I need to make more myself!!

  38. love the cha cha earrings & your stack is totally worty of the WS&L hop!

  39. love all your bracelets! you need (ok, I need!) to post tutorials!

  40. Sandi- Thank you so very much. It makes me happy that they are well-liked!And, get to it girl! I had so much fun making mine. Thanks for dropping by!

  41. Wow you were busy. They are all such wonderful blue designs. The button bracelet is really cute and I love the dangle earrings.

  42. Oh, I'm so late hoping! Yours was one of the first I peeked in on Saturday morning, but then I had NO time to comment!

    Wow! did you do blue wonderfully! And so many pieces too! I love everything you made, but the bracelets—well—they're bracelets and I LOVE bracelets and yours are so fun! :-)

  43. DreaminOfBeads- I was, but it was good, happy work! I'm so very glad you like what I created. As well, I appreciate you taking the time to drop by! Thank you!!

  44. I am trying to finish! Quick before the button hop! I am glad I wasn't the only late arrival to the party! Ok - that bracelet stack is hands down fabulous! I like the first necklace too, and props to you for experimenting with the wire.. But the bracelets - yes, please!!!

  45. Jenny- Yes, these hops are all running together. I'm still upset I never finished the messy studio one! I'm so glad you like the bracelets too. Like, I've told everyone else. . .they're my favorite as well. I've worn them all over town lately! Thanks for making it by!

  46. I am so behind on these hops. They are all running together like a blur! Sorry I'm so late. I have to say, Wowza! That is one heck of a lovely bracelet stack! Love the sari silk on the necklace as well.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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