I Tried Something New: Etching

I was really proud of myself this weekend as I branched out and tried to use some supplies I had on hand, but had intimidated me. I ETCHED METAL!!

I've read tutorial after tutorial, admired others' etched items, and hoarded the supplies in my craft room; but had never broken down and went for it. I was feeling antsy while Pat rested and decided to try something new.

I couldn't be prouder of the results. I'm forcing myself to make something out of these three etched pieces before I make any more.

So far so good!!

As it is Monday, it's time for a Meal Plan!!
Let me admit once again that last week was busier than I had anticipated and I didn't get to cook as often as I had hoped. Therefore, there are QUITE a few repeats on this week's menu.

Breakfasts: Cereal, muffins, bagels, cinnamon sugar croissants, eggs w/bacon & toast

Lunches: Bagel pizzas, tuna noodles, turkey sandwiches, chicken fingers w/tator tots, PB&J, leftovers, quesidillas

Sour Cream noodle bake w/green beans
Turkey filets, hashbrown casserole, broccoli

There's more Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Now back to making something to complement those awesome pieces. . .
By the way, I'd love to hear some suggestions for metal suppliers. I happened upon these scrap pieces but would love to find something a little more reliable. Thanks!

**Added. . .how could I forget.


  1. Good job! I like the one on the lower left best -- can't wait to see what you create with your new pieces :)

  2. Wow, what great pieces you made! I've been wanting to try etching myself, but as usual, I'm timid about trying new things--especially if it involves chemicals. Can I ask what method you used?

    Thanks for the meal plan ideas. My wish for the new year was to eat healthier at least one meal a week (I know that sounds lame, but with my picky family I have to start slow). Anyway, I'm not doing so well in the meal planning area, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Have a great week!

  3. Hope, your etching are beautiful!! Great job!!

  4. Hope, Those etched pieces are beautiful I can not wait to see what you make with them. Your meal plan sounds yummy as always. A Big Roll Tide to you too!

  5. Wow, Hope!!! I'm planning on trying etching this winter too! I love the look of etched pieces and like you I've hesitated to try it because of the chemicals involved. But, I decided, in keeping with my plan to move ahead with metal and wire work, I was going to go for it. I love what you made. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  6. Great results! I'm too intimidated to try it.

  7. The etching is lovely! I am checking out the slow cooker chicken recipe! Love slow cooker food!

  8. Oh wow! That looks totally amazing. I haven't the faintest as to how to go about etching, but now I'm curious. Your results are lovely. :)

  9. You must do some more etching - you're a natural! But not during the game...I'm about to jump out of my skin here. Roll Tide!!

  10. Yippee girl - isn't it fun! Like magic - now you look at everything in terms of "Can I etch it?" lol


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