One Happy Football Fan

I spent all day yesterday with my heart in my throat barely daring to breathe.
I was so very nervous about how the day would close out.
Yesterday's post ended with a Roll Tide and the day itself ended with an even bigger one!

Most of you don't care a stitch about college football, but it's a bit of an obsession for me. If you don't know; my team, the Alabama Crimson Tide, won the BCS National Championship game against LSU last night. I'm a wee bit excited. So that I don't continue on in this fashion and bore you creative types, I'll direct those of you who are interested to my friend Sarah Lena's blog, The Anvil Tree. She did a great job of expressing what most of us Bama fans are feeling in her post And the Tide Rolled In.

For you creative types, let me share this necklace that I made at the beginning of the football season. I'm considering starting on a few more today.
Now if I can just get my focus off what happened yesterday and back on the tasks at hand!


  1. Congratulations, Hope! I know what college football fans go through when a big game is at stake. We're Navy fans, so Army is our big one! Glad it worked out so well!

  2. Roll Tide Hope, I did not watch the whole game, I know bad Bama Girl, only because I had to get up at 4:30am and get ready for work. I did check the score first thing when I got up and did a happy dance because we closed LSU out Yippee! So proud of my big old beefy Bama boys!
    Nice necklace.


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