Laptop Problems, Granola, April Fool's Day (WWWW)

This is no April Fool's joke (and if it is, it's really cruel)- my laptop is messed up - AGAIN.
Right now, everything is PINK.
No one can figure out why. The tech at work believes it is may be a hardware malfunction of the display or something, but is trying to explore all options.
I took some pics yesterday to share with you, but don't want to upload them until I am more secure on the state of my computer. Darn it!!

If I don't blog for a bit - don't worry. It's probably just the dang computer's fault.

The pictures I had taken were just of some food I made - our dinner and homemade granola. The dinner was alright, just pretty. And, the granola is AWESOME!! I've been wanting to make some for ages and finally did. Here's the recipe (if I'm remembering correctly) of how I made it:
4 cups rolled oats
2 cups nuts and seeds
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup honey

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix the oats, nuts and seeds, brown sugar, and salt then add the other ingredients and stir well. Oil a cookie sheet and spread out the mixture evenly on the sheet. Bake for 30 minutes. Allow to cool.
[as far as nuts and seeds go, I put in sunflower seeds, chopped walnuts, almond slivers, and a few chocolate chips. I wanted to also use some sweetened coconut, but was out of it.]

If I missed any ingredients here, I'll make sure to update you later. It was so easy to mix and make this and I already had almost everything (except the honey) in the pantry. As well, there are so many other combinations of ways to make this, it won't get boring. You could also add dried fruit and tons of other varieties of nuts as well as wheat germ. I also adjusted the recipe to my own preferences by using 1/4 C of honey and maple syrup each. The real recipe calls for 1/2C of syrup. I'm sure you could just use the honey if you wanted.

All in all, I think it was a success (so does LOML.) We ate a ton of it last night, I had some for breakfast, and there is still loads and loads left. Hurray!

Anyway - enough of that. It's "Wild Wild Web Wednesday." So, let's get to it.
  • Try is XHalloweenX Easter hangman - make sure your volume is up for this - too funny!!
  • If you are a sitcom junkie like me, you will appreciate this USA sitcom map.
  • Since it's wild, wild web Wednesday I thought you might like to check out the Where the Wild Things Are trailer.
Have a great April Fool's Day. Don't be mean about it and try not to be Fooled!!


  1. Hey thanks for the link to Dabbled I just checked out their shrink plastic tutorial.


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