Me? Spoiled?

And. . .a big sigh of hurray! I got a new laptop last night. I am really pleased with it and excited to have my OWN. Every other computer I've had has been a hand-me-down, and this one was bought specifically for ME!! It makes me happy. It's not a Mac or anything, but it's a nice HP. I really like that the keyboard includes a numeric keypad. It's one of the main reasons I picked this one. I really am too spoiled. Hopefully, I'll get to a real post later today, I need to finish loading everything on here while at work. (I'm hoping the tech has a little time for me to get Office and Virus Protection installed.) In any case - it's time to get moving, get dressed, and get out of here.

Oh, and if I don't get back with you today. Have a great Friday!!

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