Catching Up (WWWW)

I've been busy, but yet so very lazy!!
I started a whole Earth Day post last Wednesday, but got so busy at work that I couldn't finish it. Everytime I've been motivated enough to write a post this past week, I've been way too busy to actually get to it. When I have had time, I've been super lazy and just didn't feel like bothering. Plus, there were a few pictures I wanted to share - and I had to take them first. Aggghhh! In any case, I'm here now and ready to go.

First, I have been able to fit some crafting in my busy-ish schedule. Check these out-

They're the backside of some pendants I'm working on. It's a project I started some time ago, but was having some complications. So, I took a break. I pulled the 'fronts' out of the "to-finish" pile and got to work. Now, they just need some soldering. Oh, I'll share the rest later.

Plus! LOML and I finally went out and got some things to start a container vegetable garden. Since I'm not so good with green things, we started small - some tomatoes, jalapenoes, and a yellow bell pepper. We got some really fun and vibrant pots for them. We figure if we do kill the veggies, at least we still have these great pots.

Alright, on with business. Here's some "Wild, Wild Web Wednesday" for you.
  • This has been going around the crafty crowd a bit already, but if you don't travel the internet in those circles, check out the make something cool everyday set on flickr.
  • If that didn't float your boat, how about this puzzle art using 40 different puzzles (w/in same brand) to make these really cool landscapes.
  • I love bacon more than the next guy, but squeeze bacon? For real!!
  • Firecrackers jump rope team at the US Naval Academy. AMAZING!! It's a little long, so if you are short on time, start at about the 4:15 mark for some of the more intense tricks. I had no idea you could do some of those things with a jump rope.
  • Here's name picker (for those having a hard time coming up with a name for your offspring, cat, dog, turtle) This tool lets you pick the traits you want in a name/little one and suggests a name for you. I wasn't overly excited about the names it came up with, but it was fun to play with. It's nice to dream.
So? How was that? I'm out for now. Have a great hump day.


  1. All I can say about those jump ropers is HOLY CRAP. Great find.

  2. Thanks, my mom e-mailed me the link. I knew it was blog-worthy.


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