Back at It and Feelin' Good About It (FGF)

So I'm done with most of the installation on the new laptop. I just need to get Photoshop installed, and that disc is at home. It won't take long. It's just a bummer since I have some pictures for y'all today and don't want to upload them until I can re-size and edit them a bit first.

Again, I'm sorry for the absence - it's been hard on me too.

Let's make this short and sweet instead of a long, drawn-out reunion. It is "Feel Good Friday" so I am going to first list what's making me feel good right now.
  • Obviously, the new laptop
  • The fact that it is Friday at long last (thus margaritas and the weekend are soon to follow)
  • Getting in some crafting and thrifting this week and looking forward to more over the weekend
  • Making it through the week (mostly) without a laptop (read: internet)
  • Being able to keep the house in order, so I come home to a clean house today
  • Getting to hook up the new laptop to the new scanner/printer/copier we got last week
  • Not haing to fret about the awfulness (word?) that is my yard - we had a lawn-care company come and take care of the yard, flowerbeds, and most importantly - the WEEDS!!
  • The weekend is a holiday, which means a yummy family dinner.
So, if your week has not been as good, here's some "Feel Good Friday" for you:
  • Map of the top 50 craft brewers in America. My favorite beer is #30 and I don't understand how it's beat out by some I've never even heard of. Whatever. In any case, craft beers rock!!
  • How to fake a clean house. This is apparently good to have if you have company coming over unexpectedly. I don't have that problem, I never have company. But, it seems like a good list to have in any case.
  • 10 ways to get fit while blogging (exercises that can be done at work/ at your desk). I've printed out this list and have been using it all week (in spurts, but using it nonetheless.)
I'm happy to finally get a blog post up this week (oh, oh - that's another feel good for me.) Anyway, you guys have a great weekend whether you are celebrating Easter, Passover, or just the weekend. Make the most of it!!


  1. Congrats on the laptop. Glad your back. K

  2. Hey girlie - I hope all is well with you too!!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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