Peek at My Week (March 7-13)

We're in the home stretch to Spring and I can feel it all around me. The azaleas are blooming outside my craft room and pollen covers EVERYTHING! This time of year always feels so full of possibilities and gives me so much to look forward to. I hope you're feeling similar. Here's a peek at my last week.

The week began in an unexpected and awesome kind of way. Pat's best friend from childhood has sold everything and bought an RV. He and his wife were docked close by for the week, so we met them and some other friends at a beautiful outdoor restaurant for lunch and drinks. The rest of the day dissolved from there. 

Monday was slow-moving for sure! But, I accomplished almost everything on my list.

As I started an earring design, Artemis decided she wanted to help. (She wasn't helpful at all.)

I felt much better on Tuesday and finished up the last (for now) of my chain link earring designs.

For dinner, I decided to try one of the suggestions I received on Facebook for how to use up some eggs and made a Frittata. It was good, but the leftovers never got touched.

I felt super creative on Wednesday and jumped into a few projects early. I even worked in one of my art journals.

And, I took a peek at what was blooming outside. I was surprised to find that one of our mini daffodils had two blooms on one stem. That's pretty rare, right?

I'm not even sure what happened to Thursday. I probably let myself play video games as both Pat and my niece were out in the evening. Oh, and I finally started on my pieces for the Bead Soup Swap & Create. I can't wait to share what I've made so far!

I started Friday with a walk around the property in the morning. The fog was thick and stuck around for a while, so many of the buds and blooms were covered in a dewy mist.

Even the kitties felt the magic of the day and were found actually touching. (Rosalina didn't know Artemis had snuck in next to her. When she realized it a few minutes later, she left the room. Ha!)

In the evening, we met up with Pat's best friend again at his camper mansion (it's a really nice camper!) and enjoyed a fire on a beautiful evening. 

The late-night didn't bother me as much as I was up early on Saturday and even out on the porch doodling. I'm so relieved the weather is nice enough to hang out there again. 

We did some yard work before I made us a light lunch. 

That salad was HUGE and delicious. (It's spinach, romaine, strawberries, chicken, glazed pecans, blue cheese, bacon, and a vinaigrette.) So good!!

In the evening, I met my best friend out on the patio of a local restaurant and talked until the place closed. I've seen more people this week than I have in the whole year, I think. And, admittedly, it makes me nervous. So, I'm hoping to get back on track until more people have the vaccine and that nagging voice in my head can be silenced. I hope you're safe and healthy as well. 

Here's some inspiration from the past week:

And, that's it for the week. After all my fun, I'm running a bit behind and hoping to catch up. Here's hoping Spring finds you wherever you are and you enjoy the heck out of it!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the waking up of nature around you, we're having another snowy week here in Bulgaria :) I'm eager to see the opening of buds that have already formed on most trees and shrubs in the neighborhood. I spotted a fabulous use of buttons on one the earring pairs. I was thinking about something similar and now I know it looks good!


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