Peek at My Week (March 14-20)

I hope your week has been quite wonderful. Mine's been a bit all over the place. After a busy Friday and Saturday, I took Sunday to recover and didn't accomplish much of anything. On Monday, I was still a bit sluggish but tried to make the most of the day. 
While I fit in a bit of art journaling, my jewelry-making endeavors were less than successful. 

Tuesday was blooming good.
All the azaleas, pine, dogwoods, and everything else is in bloom in our area!

I was inspired to finish these sunrise sunset earrings and they sold pretty immediately.

Artemis has recently decided that my chair in the craft room is really hers.

On Wednesday morning, I made myself a delicious breakfast with more of our egg abundance.

It was also St. Patrick's Day, and I went on a shamrock hunt.

While getting some work done, I looked down on my desk and saw a theme. Do you see it too?
Primary colors!

I took Zoe out and saw more blooms. Wisteria - one of my favorites!
Much of the day was spent in anticipation of a horrible storm throughout the state. We got our portion of it overnight as we tried to sleep. 

On Thursday, I made sure to work on a new design that had been doodled into my journal earlier in the week. It came out better than I anticipated.

I was in a creative groove and even worked on an art journal page too.

I was really feeling Spring knocking on my door on Friday right from the moment I walked into the craft room that morning. The view!

These little roses weren't in bloom last year, but I'm so glad to see them this year.

And, oh my goodness, the blooms on the blueberry bushes are out of control!

I struggled with my jewelry-making a bit but finally had a breakthrough.

And, it looks like I'm going to try to learn some new skills.
I haven't cracked the book yet but wish me luck.

Saturday was my niece's prom, so I spent much of the day at her house so I could get a few shots of her and her boyfriend before the big event. Really, they just had call-outs that we watched virtually. There was no actual dance because of the virus.
And, I got some great pictures for sure!

How about some inspiration?
I've got a busy week ahead: trying to make sure I meet all my end-of-the-month deadlines. I hope you've enjoyed the first couple of days of spring and have a really fabulous week. 

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of blooming spring are a feast to the eye! I see you've been inspired to make jewelry but the most inspiring picture is that of your niece! A beautiful young lady (and boyfriend)! It's a pity they cannot "dance the prom away" but let's hope they do soon :)


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