Peek at My Week (March 21-27)

 We've made it through another week! Here's hoping yours was a good one. Here's a peek at mine.

I have to admit that the majority of Sunday was spent on yard work. Spring is here and everything is starting to get out of control. After that, I didn't have much time or energy for my 100 Day Project, so I xinished up this little bracelet for my Honey Do List Reveal

Monday was kinda weird. I took my 17-year-old niece to get her first Covid vaccine. It was done as a drive-through in the Mobile Civic Center. It was odd to  drive through the same space where we have our Mardi Gras Balls. As we waited a few minutes to see if she had any reaction, I looked up in the stands to see Bernie up there. I was tickled and even got a prize for noticing him! 

After her shot and some lunch, I headed back home to get work done. Of course, I wasn't feeling it. All I really accomplished was making some Wonky Bits from the course I just took from @Willa.Wanders on Instagram. 

Tuesday was a rough day for the weather in Alabama. We didn't get much of the storms but watched the radar and alerts all day long. The rain finally settled in over our area overnight. 

Since I knew it was going to rain for several days, I tried to make sure I made a point of spending a little time outside. That was also partly because I was restless all day. The azaleas are out of control at the moment. To give scale to the size of some of our bushes, I quickly took this photo of Zoe in front of the ones next to our driveway. I'm still not sure you can tell how massive they are. 

It indeed rained on and off all day on Wednesday, and I didn't leave the house. Instead, I stayed busy with a few business-relaed tasks like making more beaded bookmarks and mixed media thank you cards that are included with my online orders. 

I also dove back into my Bead Soup to make a few more things for the reveal this Saturday. 

There was more work with the above beads on Thursday. But, I also made som time to explore the property since the rain had stopped. 

I was giddy to discover this tiny snail chopping away on a rotting log.

As well, I spotted these little roses that didn't bloom last year. (I think we had cut them back not realizing what they were.)

As the bamboo shoots are popping up, it's my routine to walk the property to kick them down before they get too big. On Friday, while searching for them in an area I haven't recently tread, I spied these blooms. 

I think they're some kind of pear. The funny thing is that they're blooming off a branch that is bent, broken, and mangled. To me, they're pretty little miracles. 

I worked a bit more on the last few pieces for my Bead Soup, altering some copper washers that my partner, Robin sent me. 

From there, I turned to my art journal since I haven't touched one in about a week. This page was an utter disaster until I remembered the wonky bits I recently made. It fixed the whole thing. I'll likely have a video on the process for this one before too long. 

Saturday was a mixed bag. Pat had a gig out of town so I was on my own. I woke early with him then did some yardwork before chatting on the phone with a friend I haven't talked to in a few months. From there, I decided to do a little eco-dying to see if the azaleas and wisteria would color my papers. (It seems that the wisteria leaves did great but neither of the blooms added much color to the pages - just FYI.) And, that pretty much ended my week. 

Here's some inspiration for your week ahead:

  • I've mentioned it several times that I don't really do wreaths, but I can always appreciate the beauty of them. This Inexpensive Rag Wreath piques my interest because of its simplicity. 
  • Can you believe that Easter is next weekend? GAH! I saw this Fabric Easter Egg Pattern and thought it was super cute. . . maybe next year! Also, this Easter Egg Banner is awful sweet. I can see hanging it across my TV stand. 
  • I mentioned last week that I'm going to try to learn to knit, maybe even crochet. So this Crocheted Chain Link Necklace definitely caught my attention. 
  • Oh my goodness. You really need to see the beauty of these floating embroidered pieces. They're gorgeous. 
  • Anything rainbow-related always calls out to me. I'm taken with this woven rainbow card. I just want to pet it!
  • Here are Five Favorite Creative Tips for your creative process. 
  • I'm always on the lookout for images to use in my art, and The Graphics Fairy often delivers just that. This week, she shared some Old Kid Photos that are really great. 
  • This little Woven Embroidery Hoop looks like a project I could actually do. I might too, I have all the supplies. 
  • How about some jewelry-making? lol. These Marbled Clay Statement Earrings are made with polymer clay. 
  • Finally, here are 52 Quotes about Journaling to inspire your creativity. 
And, that was my week. I'm looking forward to the week ahead and Easter with the family. I hope your week is full of all kinds of lovely surprises and signs of Spring. 


  1. Your snail photo should win an award! The colors, textures, and composition are perfect. I'm so envious of all your beautiful flowers. All I see here is gray and I'm yearning for green. 😟

    1. Mary, you are too sweet. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. (And, I don't mind perching on the ground to get a picture.) I just used my phone to take the shot. Here's hoping the green is starting to ease its way back into your part of the world!

  2. Love the colors in all your pics! It must be heavenly to be surrounded by so many beautiful flowers :) I just noticed Zoe's paws are white, they look like she stepped in snow :)

    1. I love the flowers blooming, but that also means so much pollen. It's a delicate balance. We call those white bits on Zoe's toes her "socks" and joke about her only having socks on to go outside. Ha!


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