March Challenges and Inspirations

I'm up to my eyeballs in The 100 Day Project, but I can't turn away from other sources of inspiration. They might just spur some jewelry-making for my project of #100DaysofMakingJewelry. Since it's nice to have a list of the challenges and their deadlines in one place, I like to share my list with you as well. Here's what I've unearthed for March. 

  • Sarajo and Eric have revealed the inspiration photo for the March Honey Do List. It's full of spring colors and joy. The link tool will be open for your reveal on March 22nd. 
  • Speaking of Spring, that's the theme for this month's Art Elements Theme Challenge too. This challenge is open to any medium and you are welcome to share your creation(s) in the designated album on the Art Elements Community Facebook Page anytime during the month. 
  • at Halcraft Collection, they've revealed the March Pretty Palette. It's called Electric Kumquat, and I kinda love that. Find all the information in the link. 
And, y'all...That's all I have for March. I should remind you that if you're involved in the Bead Soup Swap & Create, our reveal is on April 3rd! If you know of any other challenges or inspirations or some other fun community reveal like these, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can share it here! Have an inspired March!

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, I haven't participated in any challenges lately. Both Sarajo's and Art Elements' are so tempting, though :)


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