Thrifty Thursday (December Thrifty Haul)

Between Christmas stuff and just plain wanting to stay home (away from infection), I didn't really get much thrifting done in December. While on other errands, I did pick up a few things I thought I'd share, so there is a video. 

And, I'm struggling with the amount of stuff in my craft room at the moment and working on re-organizing. So, until I can prioritize what I actually NEED, I hope not to bring much more into this space - at least not until I expand into the other room (it's going to happen this year!)

Anyway. . . have you found anything good lately?


  1. I love your Thrifty Thursday hauls! You have this amazing creative view where everything is a craft supply, like those dominos. Love it!

    1. LOL! Thanks! I'm slowly learning how to use the things I find. Now, what I do with those dominoes...who knows? But, now that I have them I can start gathering ideas. On YouTube, there are people who make videos strictly using items from the Dollar Tree. I don't watch them often, but they have some amazing ideas too!

  2. Hi Hope, While I would not put it in the thrifty category, I did add to my typewriter collection. A wonderful Royal Quiet DeLuxe from the 1960s. A friend was selling it for $50 and I snatched it. It works wonderfully! She and her husband used to type their grocery lists with it. awww, I know how cute right? Anyway, back to thrifty, this thing could, I never would, sell it on Ebay for like $300 bucks. So I saved like $250 and I have the provenance for the machine. So, my new slogan is "I'd rather be typing." Ha Ha Happy New Year.

    1. I think I saw you post something about your typewriter. I'm so flipping envious. I've been looking for one like that for a few years now, priced accordingly. But, I just haven't found the one. As you're a writer, that baby definitely belongs in your hands. enjoy. Maybe we can see one another again sometime and have a beer when things are less crazy!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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