Peek at My Week (Dec 27-Jan 2)

 Hey you! How has your week been? Here's a peek at mine.

I'm going to try to keep the pictures of Artemis to a minimum so I'll just start the post with a picture of her and leave it at that. She's kept us plenty busy all week with her cuteness and loving nature. But, she's so ready to be done with the bathroom confinement. (We're trying to keep her away from the other animals until I'm sure her fleas are gone and that she doesn't have anything else that can spread.) She'll see the vet this week! 

I spent much of Sunday working in the craft room and actually got some jewelry made.
In the evening, we celebrated Christmas with Pat's brother and sister.

After milling about a little bit on Monday (Pat took the week off so neither of us was rushing to do much), we met friends for another hike at Blakeley State Park.
It was a beautiful day. I spent the afternoon making lists and working on a few things back at home.

Tuesday was busy, and I didn't get any pictures. There was grocery shopping, the washing machine backed up, and take-out with a friend (the same one we hiked with.)

On Wednesday, I contemplated how much had changed over the year as I looked out on the back yard where the fence, shed, and pole barn used to be.
I did this as I sat on the porch swing in the morning for the first time in ages. Despite trying to return to that routine, I felt restless and unfocused all day. To ease some of that, I started cleaning and organizing the craft room. I didn't get far.

Pat began painting the shed.
Would you LOOK at that color? I tried to pick out a beachy green and went darker than I thought I needed. However, this highlighter-ish yellow is what it looks like out of the can. Oh well, it's still fun and makes me giggle with its ridiculousness. 

In the evening (for the third night in a row), the moon put on one heck of a show!

Thursday was the last day of the year, and we knew we were keeping it low-key (partly because it was going to storm all night and partly because, you know, the virus.) I took care of tasks on my list, finishing up #CarveDecember.

Really, the big excitement for the day was that we made the LAST PAYMENT on my student loan. It still feels weird to be free of that debt. I've had it my whole adult life! I also jumped into art journaling, working on Kasia's Advent Calendar from Everything Art (still!)
I came away with a page that I really like and enjoyed making. 

I've taken a few more pictures in this new year. As I spent a little time walking the property, I looked for some beauty. It's been hard to find any lately as all I've been able to see is the chaos from the storm and from our recovery. But, the camellias turned that around and reminded me that it's possible to find beauty every day.

In the afternoon, we watched Alabama beat Notre Dame in the Rose Bowl!

After the game, I made a quick "lucky" dinner.
It's southern tradition to have pork, black-eyed peas, and greens on the first to start the new year right. We don't eat cooked greens but do enjoy a good spinach salad.

Since I let myself take it easy on the first, I had a few chores to knock out on Saturday. But, I really spent a huge portion of the day being creative in the craft room. While cleaning, I remembered to turn my coat hangers backward.
As I wear items and put them back in the closet, I'll turn the hangers the right way. At the end of the year, I'll know what to keep and what to get rid of based on what I actually wore. At least, that's the theory. I have some concerns about how this will work in the time of Covid when I'm not really going anywhere and not dressing up. I guess we'll see. 

I've been wanting to watercolor in my art journal, so I tackled that.

And, I had an idea for some fun tin earrings, so I started punching tin.

I was tickled that that watercolor tin matched the tights I was wearing.
And, I was happy to realize as I worked that more ideas were coming to me. As I always say: Creativity breeds more creativity!

While I worked inside, Pat was building a lean-to off the back of the newly-painted shed.
I'm always amazed at how fast he's able to build things like that! It's going to be nice to have a dry place to put some of the yard equipment and tools. Right now, they're just in the yard under tarps, and it's driving me CRAZY!

For the most part, that was my week. I'm excited about being creatively productive and am looking forward to finishing these ideas. But first, let me share the inspiration I found this week. 
The start of the new year has me feeling energized and inspired. Here's hoping it's contagious and you're feeling it too. What are you creating this week?


  1. I love, love, love the color of your new shed! I absolutely love your new kitten. We recently fostered five kittens and they have all been adopted. We sure miss them. 😥 Happy New Year!

    1. Mary, I'm so glad you like that color. It had me worried for a a bit, but it's starting to grow on me. I couldn't imagine having five kittens and letting them go. That would be so hard for me. You're a stronger woman than I am! Wishing you an amazing year!


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