Peek at My Week (Sep. 8-14)

I felt a bit scattered all week, unable to focus on getting pictures taken. But, looking back over the ones I did take, I actually accomplished quite a bit. 
Pat needed some new shoes, so we set out on Sunday for a little shopping. I picked up a pair of rain boots for myself too. I've been needing something like this for feeding the chickens and walking the yard, but my tiny feet have made it difficult to find galoshes to fit me that aren't too childish. These are kid shoes, but just right for me!

After working in the yard, I played around in the craft room much of the day - working on an idea for a set of Halloween-themed wall hangings.

That project took up most of Monday too!
Once I got them done, I took them out to the booth at the antique store on Tuesday. I am working on a tutorial video for them, so stay tuned for that!

Wednesday was a day with my grandmother.
We also celebrated my step-father's birthday!

As usual, Thursday was about catching back up and kicking tasks off the list. I did let myself step outside for a bit where these seed pods on the Japanese Maple caught my eye.

Zoe joined us for snuggle time on the couch that evening, but was more interested in her ball than the snuggles. 

While Zoe ran outside Friday morning, a cicada shell on a nearby pine tree caught my eye. Who remembers collecting these as a kid?

From there, I worked on yet another paper project tutorial. I hope to share these really soon! Don't worry, there have been jewelry projects in the works too. 

I enjoyed another birthday celebration on Saturday. This time, it was for my Goddaughter who is turning four! Afterward, we headed to another friend's house to watch the Alabama vs. South Carolina game. Roll Tide!

The week was low on pictures but high on getting things done. Here's a little inspiration for you!

I'm already deep into a few more projects for the week ahead. But, I'm absolutely looking forward to it. What do you have planned for the week?


  1. I look forward to seeing your new tutorials. I recently got interested in doll making an bought a few supplies. I am planning to try my hand at it this week.

  2. I remember these rain boots were so fashionable several years ago and all young girls wore them :) It's my first week back at work after a long vacation and I'm too busy to plan anything else but will probably get back to jewelry making this weekend (after I pull out all the stuff I had to hide away before the vacation).


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