Art Journaling in August

I try to eke in a little art of some kind each day. I'm not always successful at that aim. And while working on a whole new jewelry design can often be too daunting, throwing a little paint and collage onto a page is usually more manageable and intuitive. I don't usually share those creative endeavors here on the blog, but on other social media instead. ICAD 2019 from Tammy of Daisy Yellow ended at the end of July, but I've continued to share my process videos on the CraftyHope YouTube channel throughout August. I'll have a few more through this month as well. To make sure you see what I did create, I like to share a round-up of sorts each month. Take a look.

These videos are grouped into three cards each so that there aren't as many of them. I shared quite a few more this month than I did last month. First are Cards 16-18.
ICAD 16: Chandelier

ICAD 17: Bench or Wood

ICAD 18: Yearbook

ICAD 19: Yellow

ICAD 20: Vitrina (Display Case)

ICAD 21: Guitar

ICAD 22: Bicycle

ICAD 23: Poem

ICAD 24: Music Box

ICAD 25: Rose

ICAD 26: Tinker Toys

ICAD 27: Corduroy

ICAD 28: Architecture

ICAD 29: Terra Cotta

ICAD 30: Lemon or Lemonade

ICAD 31: Mis-matched

ICAD 32: Caramel

ICAD 33: Ogee

ICAD 34: Constellation

ICAD 35: Pine Tree

ICAD 36: Thesaurus

In the caption of each of the above photos, I've included the prompt for the day. Some of the ways I interpreted each of these are obvious, while others, not so much. Each video explains what I was thinking when I created them.  If you have any questions about my art journaling process or materials, please don't hesitate to ask. 


  1. Colorful and meaningful! Most importantly, you have fun and creative time :)

    1. Yes! It's become so important to me to make sure there's some color in mm days. Throwing paint at some paper is the perfect way to achieve that it seems.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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