Peek at My Week (Aug. 25-31)

It's a holiday weekend (Labor Day), and in true form, I'm running behind. But, that's how you know you're having fun, right? Actually, I was doing yard work. Soooooo... Anyway, let's take a look at the week that was. This week was a bit scattered. I started it off strong with taking pictures, but things went a little kaput in the middle of it all. 
Pat and I started off Sunday with a trip to the new Fairhope Market for coffee and a treat from the bakery. We really love this little place inside a converted Rite Aid that includes not only the bakery, but a butcher, seafood market, hot bar, salad bar, and general groceries. And, so much of it is focused on local products. It's kinda awesome. 

Pat's been working on getting his recording studio set up, and I tagged along to hang out with him while he worked. I got my own tasks done too - last week's Peek at My Week was written and my octopus stamp was painted while he added grommets and hung moving blankets to buffer the sound in the space. 

Back at the house, I worked on my Octopus art journal spread for the Art Elements reveal. 

We ended the day the way we do most Sundays with friends or family out by the pool. This was the first time we tried grilling green beans. They were yummy!

Monday was all about running errands and knocking out chores. In my running around, one of my junk drawer windchimes caught my attention. I love how the components have faded and rusted since I first made them.  

I spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Mobile helping with family matters.
Tuesday my niece's cat was fixed, so I needed to stay there to keep an eye on him. 
Wednesday was a little more complicated as my grandmother had an appointment in the morning. After that, I visited with a friend who just had surgery. Then, I went to my great-aunt's house to check on her and help her out some while my cousin is in the hospital. 

Needless to say, Thursday was all about catching back up at home.
Fortunately, this goober of a dog tried to keep my spirits up with her silly self. 

Friday is my big clean-the-house day so I took care of that. While outside at one point, this fuzzy guy caught my attention.
Despite his tiny size, his fuzzies make me think he might sting. So, I didn't dare touch him. 

Saturday was the real kick-off to College Football, one of my passions. I had a list of things to get done before our game got underway.
While filling the birdfeeders, this weedy thing waved at me. The architecture of it is so neat. And those tiny flowers are so adorable!

It was finally game time and despite a slow start to it, we enjoyed the victory. Roll Tide!

For inspiration this week, most of what I found were simple jewelry-making tutorials, with one exception. 
  • This one is titled African-print Stackable Bracelets. However, I can see using any variety of fabrics if you can't find any of the lovely African prints. It's really the bracelet base that I thought was innovative. 
  • I don't make a lot of rings, but this Wrapped Stack Wire Ring tutorial from Jewelry Making Journal looks easy enough. 
  • The Beading Gem shared links to an Etsy store that has SVG files of amazing jewelry that can be made with a die cutting machine. Go see them!
  • Here's the only non-tutorial n this list: take a look at these paper sculptures from Lee Ji-Hee. They're sublime!
  • Make yourself a pair of these super cute Pom-pom earrings. Since it is football season, I can absolutely see making them in team colors!
I'm juggling a big project in addition to family obligations and the rest of my usual tasks so it's been tough to keep up with everything. I'm hoping blog posts don't fall to the wayside, but it's always a possibility. I just want y'all to know. For now, go out and make the most of the week ahead. I know I'm going to try. What do you have planned?


  1. That is one of the cutest pictures of a doggo I've seen recently!!! Her face!!!

    I love markets like that Fairhope Market and wish we had something like that here.

    The architecture of that plant really is cool and your grilled sausages and beans look yummy!!!

    1. That dog is a goof. She was actually watching some fly by me as I rubbed her belly. I had to capture that look.
      We're lucky that there are a few farm markets in the area. Though, this one is the first of its kind with so much packed into one space. We really love it.
      I'm so glad you popped in here. I need to get better about commenting on YOUR blog. I read it much more than I comment. (Bad Blogger!!) Sorry!


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